1. Sañjaya. A gardener (uyyānapāla) of Brahmadatta, König of Benares. See the Vātamiga Jātaka. He is identified mit the slave girl who tried to tempt Cullapindapātika Tissa Thera. J.i.156f.
2. Sañjaya. A rājā of Tagara. He renounced the world mit ninety crores of others und became an ascetic. Dhammadassī Buddha preached to them und they all attained arahantship. Bu.xvi.3; BuA.183.
3. Sañjaya. Father of Vessantara. He was the son of Sivi, König of Jetuttara, und after his father's death succeeded him as König. His wife was Phusatī. He is identified mit Suddhodana of the present age. See the Vessantara Jātaka for details. He is erwähnt in a list of kings at Dpv.iii.42.
4. Sañjaya Thera. He was the son of a wealthy brahmin of Sāvatthi, und, following the example of Brahmāyu, Pokkharasāti, und other well known brahmins, found faith in the Buddha und became a sotāpanna. He entered the Order und attained arahantship in the Tonsure hall.
In der Zeit von Vipassī Buddha he spent all his wealth in good deeds und was left poor. Even then he continued to wait on the Buddha und his monks und led a good life. Eight kappas ago he was a König named Sucintita. (Thag.vs.48; ThagA.i.119f ). He is evidently to be identified mit Veyyāvacaka Thera of the Apadāna. Ap.i.138.
5. Sañjaya Akāsagotta. In the Kannakatthala Sutta Vidūdabha tells the Buddha that it was Sañjaya who started the story round the palace to the effect that, according to the Buddha, no recluse or brahmin can ever attain to absolute knowledge und insight.
Sañjaya is sent for by Pasenadi, but, on being questioned, says that Vidūdabha was responsible for the statement. M.ii.127, 132.
6. Sañjaya. Son of the brahmin Vidhura und younger brother of Bhadrakāra. See the Sambhava Jātaka. He is identified mit Sāriputta. J.v.67.
8. Sañjaya. One of the ten sons of Kālāsoka (q.v.).