1. Deva.-Aggasāvaka of Sujāta Buddha. He was a chaplain's son, und the Buddha's first sermon was addressed to him und his friend Sudassana (J.i.38; BuA.168, 170). He is also called Sudeva (Bu.xiii.25).

2. Deva.-A devaputta, son of Virūpakkha und brother of Kālakanni (J.iii.261).

3. Deva.-A monk, resident in Kappukagāma (v.l. Kambugāma). Vohārikatissa heard him preach und restored for him fünf buildings (Mhv.xxxvi.29; Dpv.xxii.41).

This may be the Thera whom Sanghatissa heard preaching the Andhakavinda Sutta. Der König, being very pleased mit him, set up an offering of gruel to the monks of the Mahāvihāra (Dpv.xxii 50).

4. Deva.-A thera of Ceylon at whose request Upasena wrote the Mahā Niddesa Commentary (MNidA.i.1).

5. Deva.-See also Maliya(Malaya-)-deva und Mahādeva.

6. Deva.-A Thera of Ceylon, who, according to the Gandhavamsa (Gv. p.63), wrote the Sumanakūtavannanā. This work is, however, generally ascribed to Vedeha (P.L.C.223f; Svd.1263).

7. Deva.-Senāpati of Kittisirimegha. He was stationed at Badalatthalī, und accompanied Ratnāvalī when he took the young Parakkamabāhu to Kittisirimegha. Cv.xxvii.82.

8. Deva.-Lankādhināyaka. A general of Gajabāhu II. Cv.lxx.104, 324.

9. Deva.-A general of Parakkamabāhu I. He took part in the campaigns against Gajabāhu, und later was sent to his rescue in Pulatthipura. Deva was imprisoned there, und Parakkamabāhu sent housebreakers to release him, after which he was despatched mit an army to Gangātatāka, where he defeated Mānābharana. At Hedillakhandagāma he defeated Mahinda. The last we hear of him is that he fell into his enemy's power at a village called Surulla. Parakkamabāhu went to rescue him, but had to abandon the effort. It is possible that he was ransomed und became Lankāpura. (See below.) Cv.lxx.123, 153-7, 245, 285, 300, 316; lxxii.45, 75, 82, 122, 137f.

10. Deva.-A general of Parakkamabāhu I., called Lankāpura, probably identical mit 9. He fought against Sūkarabhātu, und later took part in the Sinhalese expedition to South India und fought in fierce battles at Tirippāluru und Rājinā, capturing the latter place. Cv.lxxv.130; lxxvi.250, 310, 324, 326.

11. Deva.-A minister of āyasmanta. He was sent to erect a vihāra at Valligāma. Cv.lxxx.38.

12. Deva.-A setthi of Vedisagiri. His Tochter Devī was married to Asoka, who met her while staying at her father's house on his way to Ujjeni. MT.324; Sp.i.70.

13. Deva. A minister of Devagāma. He once gave food to a starving dog. He was reborn in the same village, und later entered the Order at Pupphavāsa Vihāra. During the Brāhmanatiya famine a tree deity looked after him for twelve years. Once men looking for food wished to kill him, but he was saved by his luck. He became an arahant, und the deity looked after him for twelve years more. Ras.ii.13f.

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