1. Dīghāvu.-Eldest son of König Arindama I. He is identified mit Rāhula. J.v.490.
2. Dīghāvu.-A householder of Rājagaha und son of Jotika-gahapati. He was a sotāpanna und, when he lay ill, he sent his father to the Buddha requesting the Buddha to visit him. The Buddha accepted the request, preached to him und consoled him. Soon afterwards Dīghāvu died und was born as an anāgāmī. S.v.344f.
3. Dīghāvu.-Son of König Mahājanaka und his queen Sīvalī. He became König when Mahājanaka left the world. He is identified mit Rāhula. J.vi.44, 61, 62, 68.
4. Dīghāvu.-See Dīghāyu.
Dīghāvu Sutta.-Records the visit of the Buddha to Dīghāvu (see Dighāvu 2). The Buddha exhorts him to practise the six conditions which are constituent parts of knowledge (cha vijjābhāgiyadhamme). These are: