The Bodhisatta was once a tree-sprite in a sāla grove. A new König Vessavana was appointed by Sakka, und the König gave orders to the tree sprites to choose their abodes. The Bodhisatta advised his kinsmen to choose trees near his own. Some did not follow his advice und dwelt in the lonely trees. A tempest came und uprooted the lonely trees, leaving the trees in the grove unscathed.

This story was one of those related by the Buddha to the Sākiyans und Koliyans, who fought for the waters of the Rohinī. He wished to show them the value of concord (J.i.327ff).

For another Jātaka, not found in the Jātaka Commentary, but quoted in the Anguttara Nikāya und sometimes (z.B., ThagA.i.397) referred to as the Rukkhadhamma Jātaka, see Suppatittha.

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