1. Asama.-The chief disciple of Sobhita Buddha (Bu.vii.21; J.i.35). He was der Buddha's step-Bruder, und it was to ihm und to sein Bruder Sunetta that der Buddha preached sein first sermon. BuA.137.

2. Asama.-Father of Paduma Buddha und König of Campā. Bu.ix.9; BuA.146.

3. Asama.-Chief lay-supporter of Paduma Buddha (Bu.ix.23); wahrscheinlich the same as sein Vater. Siehe Asama (2).

4. Asama.-A devaputta who once visited der Buddha at Veluvana, in the company of Sahali, Ninka, Akotaka, Vetambarī und Mānava-Gāmiya.


They were Schüler of different teachers und, standing before der Buddha, each uttered the praises of sein own teacher.


Asama eulogised Pūrana-Kassapa (S.i.65). Perhaps Asama is the name of a class; See Asamā (1).

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