1. Kumāra-Kassapa Thera.-He was foremost among those who had the gift of varied und versatile discourse (cittakathikānam) (A.i.24). His Mutter was the Tochter of a banker of Rājagaha, und she, having failed to obtain her parent's consent to become a nun, married und, mit her husband's consent, joined the Order, not knowing that she was mit child. When her condition was discovered her colleagues consulted Devadatta, who declared that she was no true nun. The Buddha, on being consulted, entrusted the matter to Upāli, who had it fully investigated by Visākhā und other residents of Sāvatthi, und he gave his finding in the assembly, in the presence of the König, that the nun was innocent. (For details see J.i.148; Upāli's handling of the case won the Buddha's special commendation, see, z.B., AA.i.172). When the boy was born the König reared him, und the boy was ordained at the age of seven. The boy came to be called Kumāra, because he joined the Order so young und was of royal upbringing, und also because the Buddha, when sending him little delicacies such as fruit, referred to him as Kumāra Kassapa. Once when Kumāra Kassapa was meditating in Andhavana, an anāgāmī Brahmā, who had been his companion in der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha, appeared before him, und asked him fifteen questions which only the Buddha could answer. This led to the preaching of the Vammika Sutta (M.i.143ff), und after dwelling on its teachings Kassapa became an arahant. (For Kumāra Kassapa's story see J.i.147ff; AA.i.158f; ThagA.i.322f; MA.i.335f). His Mutter, too, developed insight und attained to arahantship. It is said that she wept for twelve years because she could not be mit Kassapa, und one day, seeing him in the street, as she ran towards him und fell, milk flowed from her breasts und wet her robe. Kassapa, realising that her great love was standing in the way of her attainments, spoke harshly to her that she might love him the less. The ruse succeeded und she became an arahant that very day (DhA.iii.147).

In der Zeit von Padumuttara Buddha Kassapa was a learned brahmin, und having heard a monk ranked foremost in eloquence, he wished for a similar distinction und did many acts of piety towards that end. When the teachings of Kassapa Buddha were being forgotten, he, together mit six others, entered the Order und lived a life of rigorous asceticism on the summit of a mountain. (Ap.ii.473f; the details of this story are given in DhA.ii.210-12; among Kassapa's companions were also Pukkusāti, Dārucīriya, Dabba Mallaputta und Sabhiya; see also UdA.80f).

Two verses of deep significance ascribed to Kumāra-Kassapa are found in the Theragāthā (vv.201.202). Although it is said that he was a very eloquent speaker, the examples given of his preaching are extremely scanty. The Anguttara Commentary (i.159) states that the Buddha gave him his title from the skilful way in which he argued mit Pāyāsi, as related in the Pāyāsi Sutta (q.v.); but this cannot be correct for, according to Dhammapāla (VvA.297), the events of the Pāyāsi Sutta took place after the Buddha's death. The Sutta, however, does justify Kassapa's reputation. (For his praises see also MA.i.500f).

Kassapa's upasampadā took place in his twentieth year. A doubt arose as to whether this was valid because, according to the rule, zwanzig years must be completed for upasampadā. The Buddha held that in reckoning the age the time spent in the Mutter's womb could also be included. Vin.i.93; Sp.iv.867.

2. Kumāra-Kassapa.-A thera in Ceylon, at whose request was written the Dhammapadatthakathā. DhA.i.1; Gv.68.

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