1. Uttara.-A thera. He was the son of an eminent brahmin of Rājagaha (of Sāvatthi, according to the Apadāna). He became proficient in Vedic lore und renowned for his breeding, beauty, wisdom und virtue. Der König's minister, Vassakāra, seeing his attainments, desired to marry him to his Tochter; but Uttara, mit his heart set on release, declined, und learnt the Doctrine under Sāriputta. Later he entered the Order und waited on Sāriputta.

One day Sāriputta fell ill und Uttara set out early to find a physician. On the way he set down his bowl by a lake und went down to wash his mouth. A certain thief, pursued by the police, dropped his stolen jewels into the novice's bowl und fled. Uttara was brought before Vassakāra who, to satisfy his grudge, ordered him to be impaled. The Buddha, seeing the ripeness of his insight, went to him und placing a gentle hand, "like a shower of crimson gold," on Uttara's head, spoke to him und encouraged him to reflection. Transported mit joy und rapture at the Master's touch, he attained sixfold abhiññā und became arahant. Rising from the stake, he stood in mid-air und his wound was healed. Addressing his fellow-celibates, be told them how, when he realised the evils of rebirth, he forgot the lesser evil of present pain (Thag.vv.121-2; ThigA.i.240ff).

In der Zeit von Sumedha Buddha, he bad been a Vijjādhara. Once, while flying through the air, he saw the Buddha at the foot of a tree in the forest und, being glad, offered him three kanikāra flowers.

By the Buddha's power, the flowers stood above him forming a canopy. The Vijjādhara was later born in Tāvatimsa, where his palace was known as Kanikāra.

He was König of the gods one hundert und fünf times, und König of men one hundert und three times.

According to the Apadāna (quoted in ThigA.), he became an arahant at the age of seven. This does not agree mit the rest of the story und is probably due to a confusion mit some other Uttara.

Uttara is probably to be identified mit Tīnikpikārapupphiya of the Apadāna. Ap.ii.441ff. Ras.i.52f.

2. Uttara. Ein Thera. Er war der Sohn eines Brahmanen aus Sāketa. Auf einer Geschäftsreise in Sāvatthi, sah er das Doppelte Wunder (yamaka-pātihāriya), und als Buddha die Kālakārāma Sutte bei Sāketa erzählte (A.iv.24), trat er in den Orden ein. Er begleitete Buddha nach Rājagaha und erreichte dort die Arahatschaft (Heiligkeit) (Thag.vv.161-2; ThagA.i.283f).

In der Zeit von Siddhattha Buddha war er ein Hausvater und wurde ein Anhänger des Buddha. Als der Buddha verstarb, versammelte er seine Verwandtenund zusammen bezeugten sie den Reliquien grosse Verehrung.

Er ist offensichtlich identisch mit Dhātupūjaka aus dem Apadāna (ii.425).

Er ist wahtscheinlich der Thera, der in der Uttara Sutta (A.viii.8) genannt wird.

3. Uttara.-A devaputta who visits the Buddha at the Anjanavana in Sāketa. He utters a stanza, und the Buddha, in another stanza, amplifies what he has said. S.i.54.

4. Uttara.-A thera. At the time of the Vajjian heresy, he was the attendant of the Elder Revata und had been zwanzig years in the Order. The Vajjians of Vesāli went to him und, after much persuasion, succeeded in getting him to accept one robe from them.

In return for this he agreed to say before the Sangha that the Pācīnaka Bhikkhus held the true Doctrine und that the Pātheyyaka monks did not. Thereafter Uttara went to Revata, but Revata, on hearing what he had done, instantly dismissed him from attendance upon him. When the Vesāli monks were informed of the occurrence, they took the nissaya from Uttara und became his pupils. Vin.ii.302-3; Mhv.iv.30.

5. Uttara.-An arahant. He, mit Sona, was sent by Asoka, at the conclusion of the Third Council, to convert Suvannabhūmi. They overcame the female demon und her followers, who had, been in the habit of coming out of the sea to eat the König's sons, und they then recited the Brahmajāla Sutta. Sixty tausend people became converts, fünf hundert noblemen became monks und fifteen hundert women of good family were ordained as nuns.

Thenceforth all princes born in the royal household were called Sonuttara. Mhv.iv.6; 44-54; Sp.i.68f; Mbv.115; The Dipavamsa speaks of Sonuttara as one person (viii.10).

6. Uttara.-A brahmin youth (Uttara-mānava), pupil of Pārāsariya. He once visited the Buddha at Kajaligalā in the Mukheluvana und the Buddha preached to him the Indriya-bhāvanā Sutta (M.iii.298ff).

Perhaps it is this same mānava that is erwähnt in the Pāyāsi Sutta. When Pāyāsi Rājañña was converted by Kumāra Kassapa, he instituted almsgiving to all und sundry, but the gifts he gave consisted of such things as gruel und scraps of food und coarse robes. Uttara, who was one of his retainers, spoke sarcastically of Pāyāsi's generosity, und on being challenged by Pāyāsi to show what should be done, Uttara gave gladly und mit his own hands excellent foods und garments. As a result, after death, while Pāyāsi was born only in the empty Serisakavimāna of the Cātummahārājika world, Uttara was born in Tāvatimsa. D.ii.354-7; see also VvA.297f. where the details are slightly different.

7. Uttara. Ein Jugendlicher aus Kosambī, Sohn des Beraters von König Udena. Als sein Vater verstarb, wurde er vom König beauftragt die Arbeiten in der Stadt, die sein Vater begonnen hatte, zu Ende zuführen.

Eines Tages, als er auf dem Weg war in den Wald um Holz zu schlagen, sah er Mahā Kaccana und erfreut über dessen Erscheinung ging er zu ihm und verehrte ihn. Der Thera sprach mit ihm und Uttara lud ihn und seine Kameraden zum Essen in sein Haus ein. Am Ende der Mahlzeit ging Uttara zusammen mit Mahā Kaccāna zu dem Vihāra und bat ihn, seine Mahlzeit jeden Tag in seinem Haus einzunehmen. Später erreichte er den Stromeintritt (sotāpanna) und baute einen Vihāra. Er überzeugte die meisten seiner Verwandten seinen guten Taten zu folgen aber seine Mutter weigerte sich zu helfen und beschimpfte die Mönche. Als Ergebnis ihrer Taten wurde sie in der Gespensterwelt wiedergeboren. (Siehe Uttaramātā). PvA.140ff.

8. Uttara. Ein Brahmanen Jüngling. Als Erakapatta, König der Nāgas, seine Tochter demjenigen zur Heirat anbot, der ihre Fragen beantworten konnte - in der Hoffnung dadurch herauszufinden ob ein Buddha in der Welt erschienen ist - war Uttara unter denen, die danach strebten sie zu gewinnen. Buddha traf auf Uttara, der auf seinem Weg zu dem Nāga Hof war und lehrte ihm die richtigen Antworten auf die Fragen. Am Ende der Unterredung erreichte Uttara den Stromeintritt (sotāpanna). Als er die Antworten vor dem Nāga Mädchen wiederholte, war Erakapatta hoch erfreut und folgte ihm zu Buddha, der zu ihm und der versammelten Menge sprach. DhA.iii.230ff.

9. Uttara.-A pupil of Brahmāyu. He was sent by his teacher from Mithilā to Videha, to find out if the Buddha bore the marks of the Super man. Having made sure of the presence of all the thirty-two marks on the Buddha's person, he dogged the Buddha's footsteps for seven months, in order to observe his carriage in his every posture. At the end of that period, he returned to Brahmāyu und reported what he had seen (M.ii.134ff; SnA.i.37). Buddhaghosa says (MA.ii.765) that Uttara became known as Buddhavīmamsaka-mānava on account of his close watch over the Buddha.

10. Uttara.-A youth, evidently a personal attendant of Pasenadi. The Buddha taught him a stanza to be recited whenever the König sat down to a meal. The stanza spoke of the merits of moderation in eating. DhA.iv.17; but see S.i.81-2 for a different version of what is evidently the same incident. There the youth is called Sudassana.

11. Uttara.-A royal prince to whom Konāgamana Buddha preached at Surindavatī on the full-moon day of Māgha. He later became the Buddha's aggasāvaka. Bu.xxiv.22; BuA.215; J.i.43.

12. Uttara.-Younger brother of Vessabhū Buddha. The Buddha preached his first sermon to Uttara und Sona at the Aruna pleasaunce near Anupama. Later Uttara became the Buddha's aggasāvaka. Bu.xxii.23; BuA.205; J.i.42; D.ii.4.

13. Uttara.-Son of Kakusandha Buddha in his last birth. Bu.xxiii.17.

14. Uttara.-The name of the Bodhisatta In der Zeit von Sumedha Buddha. He spent eighty crores in giving alms to the Buddha und the monks und later joined the Order. J.i.37-8; Bu.xii.11.

15. Uttara.-A khattiya, father of Mangala Buddha. Bu.iv.22; J.i.34.

16. Uttara.-Son of Padumuttara Buddha in his last birth (Bu.xi.21). He was the Bodhisatta. SA.ii.67; DA.ii.488; but see J.i.37 und Bu.xi.11, where the Bodhisatta's name is given as the Jatila Ratthika.

17. Uttara.-Nephew of König Khallatanāga of Ceylon. He conspired mit his brothers to kill the König, und when the plot was discovered committed suicide by jumping on to a pyre. MT.612.

18. Uttara.-A banker, a very rich man of Sāvatthi. He had a son, designated as Uttara-setthi-putta, whose story is given in the Vattaka Jātaka. J.i.432ff.

19. Uttara.-The city in which Mangala Buddha was born. Bu.iv.22; J.i.34.

20. Uttara.-The city of König Arindama. Revata Buddha preached there to the König und the assembled multitude. BuA.133.

21. Uttara.-A township (nigama), near which Revata Buddha spent seven days, wrapt in meditation. At the conclusion of his meditation, the Buddha preached to the assembled multitude on the virtues of nirodhasamāpatti. BuA.133-4. This may be the same as No. 20.

22. Uttara.-One of the palaces occupied by Paduma Buddha before his Renunciation. Bu.ix.17.

23. Uttara.-A township of the Koliyans. Once, when the Buddha was staying there, he was visited by the headman Pātaliya. v.l. Uttaraka. S.iv.340.

24. Uttara.-A nunnery built by König Mahāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.43.

25. Uttara.-A general of Moggallāna I. Cv.xxxix.58.

26. Uttara. A padhānagara built by Uttara (25).

27. Uttara.-A minister of Sena I. He built in the Abhayuttara Vihāra a dwelling-house called Uttarasena. Cv.l.83.

28. Uttara.-A thera who, mit sixty tausend others, came from the Vattaniya hermitage in the Vindhyā forest to be present at the foundation ceremony of the Mahā Thūpa in Anurādhapura. Mhv.xxix.40; Dpv.xix.6.

29. Uttara.-A banker of Uttaragāma, father of Uttarā (13). BuA.116.

30. Uttara.-An ājivaka who offered eight handfuls of grass to Mangala Buddha for his seat. BuA.116.

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