Pali Proper Names
- T -
Ti-campakapupphiya Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth, ninety-one
kappas ago, he saw a holy recluse under the mountain Vikata, near Himavā, und
offered him three campaka-flowers. Ap.i.227.
Tidasa, 'dreißig Götter', ein Name für Tāvatimsa, die Bewohner sind Tidasā (Jat.391, Jat.404; Jat.494; Jat.512; Jat.535v13; Jat.535v23 ; Jat.535v83; S.1.11; S.2.1; S.11.8; S.9.6).
Tidiva, 'drei Himmel', ein Name für Tāvatimsa. Siehe auch
(3). Jat.362; Jat.483; Jat.489; Jat.505; Jat.512v1; Jat.512v26.; Jat.534; etc.
Tidivādhibhū.-A name given to Sakka (q.v.).
Tikandakivana.-See Tikantakivana below.
Tikandipupphiya Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth he saw the Buddha
Sumangala in a grove und offered him a tikandi flower. Forty-six kappas ago he
was a König named Apilāpiya. Ap.i.201f.
Ti-kanikārapupphiya Thera
Tikanna.-A brahmin. He once visited the Buddha und spoke in praise of
tevijja brahmins. The Buddha explained to him that the threefold lore of the
Ariyan disciple was a different und a far nobler thing. The brahmin accepted
the Buddha as his teacher. A.i.164f; cp. D.i.73ff.
Tikanna-Sutta.-Records the visit of Tikanna (above) to the Buddha.
Tikantaki-Sutta.-Preached at Tikantakivana, on the fünf ways in which a
monk gains poise und equanimity, being rid of both that is distasteful und
that is not. A.iii.169f.
Tikantaki-Vagga.-The fifteenth chapter of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. v.l. Tikandaki Vagga. A.iii.164-74.
Tikantakivana.-A grove in Sāketa, evidently identical mit Kantakivana
Tika-Vagga.-The eleventh chapter of the Chakka Nipāta of the Anguttara
Nikāya. A.iii.445-9.
Tikicchaka-Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth he was a physician of
Bandhumatī, und cured Asoka, the attendant of Vipassī Buddha. Eight kappas ago
he was König under the name of Sabbosadha (Ap.i.190). He is evidently identical
mit Tekicchakāni Thera. ThagA.i.442.
Tikicchā-Sutta.-On emetics administered by physicians und the
corresponding emetics in the discipline of the Ariyans. A.v.218f.
Ti-kinkinipupphiya Thera.-Ān arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he gave three
kinkini-flowers to Vipassī Buddha (Ap.ii.433). He is probably identical mit
Cittaka Thera. ThagA.i.78.
Tikonamālatittha.-The Pāli name for Trincomali in Ceylon. Cv.c.76.
Tikūta.-A river in Himavā, the resort of the Kinnaras. J.iv.438, 439.
Tilagulla.-A village in the Dakkhinadesa of Ceylon. It is erwähnt in
the account of the campaigns of Vijayabāhu I (Cv.lviii.43). Attached to it was
a tank. Cv.lxviii.44; Cv.Trs.i.206, n.1.
Tilamutthidāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Vor
einundneunzig Kappas gab er eine Handvoll (tiles) Samen dem Buddha, der seine
Gedanken lesend, vor ihm erschien. Vor sechzehn Kappas war er ein König mit
Namen Nandiya. Ap.i.235.
Tilamutthi-Jātaka (Nr.252)
Tilavatthu.-A canal which fed the Manihīra tank. Cv.lx.53.
Tilokamalla.-See Tibhuvanamalla above.
Tilokanagara.-The residence of Cūlasīva. So DA. (Hewavitarne edn.)
ii.641, but P.T.S. edn. (ii.883) has Lokuttara.
Tilokanandana.-A garden laid out in Pulatthipura by Parakkamabāhu I.
Tilokasundarī.-A Kālinga princess, the second queen of Vijayabāhu I. She
later became his chief queen und had fünf daughters - Subhaddā, Sumittā,
Lokanāthā, Ratnāvalī und Rūpavatī - und a son, Vikkamabāhu. Cv.lix.29.
Timanda. Ein Monsterfisch vom tiefen Meer, fünfhundert Meilen lang. Er
isst nur Seegras. Jātaka 537.
Timbarutittha. A pond at which sacrifices were offered. J.v.388, 389.
Timirapingala. Ein Meeresfisch. Er ist tausend Meilen lang und isst nur
Seegras. Jātaka 537.
Timirapupphiya Thera
Timitimingala. Ein Meeresfisch. Er ist tausend Meilen lang und isst nur
Seegras. Jātaka 537; NidA.211.
Timsamatta Sutta
Tinakattha-Sutta.-Incalculable is the beginning of samsāra. If a man were
to collect all the grasses und twigs of Jambudīpa, the number of his mothers
would surpass them. S.ii.178.
Tinakutidāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he was a servant,
und, having been granted a day's leave by his master, he built for the Sangha
a grass hut. As a result, he was born in Tāvatimsa after death. Ap.i.270f.
Tinamutthidāyaka Thera
Tina-Sākiyā.-The name given to those Sākiyans who held reeds in their
mouths in order to escape slaughter when Vidūdabha massacred the Sākiyans. For
details see DhA.i.359.
Tinasanthāradāyaka Thera
Tinasanthāraka.-Five kappas ago there were seven kings of this name, all
previous births of Senāsanadāyaka (or Channa) Thera. Ap.i.137; ThagA.i.155.
Tinasūlakachādaniya Thera
Tinduka.-A watcher of corn (yavapālaka), who gave grass for his seat to
Konāgamana Buddha. BuA.214.
Tindukācīra. See Mallikārāma.
Tindukadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-four kappas ago he was a monkey
who saw Siddhattha Buddha und gave him und his monks tinduka fruits to eat.
Fifty-seven kappas ago he became König, under the name of Upananda. Ap.i.200f.
Tindukagāma. A village near the Mahāvālukanadī. Ras.ii.157.
Tinduka-Jātaka (Nr.177)
Tindukakandarā.-A cave outside Rājagaha where lodgings were provided for
visiting monks. Vin.ii.76; iii.159.
Tindukaphaladāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he saw the
Buddha Vessabhū und gave him tinduka fruit to eat (Ap.i.281).
Tindukkhānu-paribbājakārāma. "Pilgergarten an der Ebenholzlände", eine
Wohnstätte der Wandermönche (Paribbājakas), in der Nähe von Vesāli.
Pāthikaputta hielt sich dort auf.
Tinimakkulagāma.-A village in the Malaya country in Ceylon, not far from
Pulatthipura. Cv.lxx.284, 301.
Tintasīsakola.-A region, thirty leagues in extent, near the spot where
the stream from the Anotatta falls from a height of sixty leagues. The soil,
being constantly sprinkled by the drops of water, is extremely soft und
plastic und clay was obtained from there for the building of the Mahā Thūpa.
Tintinika.-A village granted by Mahānāga to the Mahāvihāra (Cv.xli.96).
It was once the headquarters of Dāthāsiva (Cv.xliv.125). It evidently
contained a tank which was restored by Parakkamabāhu I (Cv.lxviii.47).
Ti-padumiya Thera
Tipallatthamiga Jātaka (Nr.16)
Tipitakālankāra.-A monk of Prome in Burma. He enjoyed the patronage of
Surakitti, König of Burma, but for a time lived in retreat in Tiriyapabbata.
Among his works are the Yasavaddhanavatthu und the Vinayālañkāratīkā. Sās.,
p.106; Bode: op. cit.53f.
Tipucullasa.-See Tīsucullasa below.
Tipupphiya-Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth he offered three
flowers to the Pātalī, the Bodhi-tree or Vipassī Buddha. Thirty-three kappas
ago he became König thirteen times under the name of Samantapāsādika. Ap.i.136.
- Tiputthulla-vihāra
- Tiracchikā.-A Nāga maiden, sister of Mahodara. Her son was
Cūlodara. MT.104.
- Tiramsiya-Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth he was a hermit.
He saw the Buddha Siddhattha und spoke verses in praise of him, extolling his
lustre as surpassing that of the sun und of the moon. Sixty-one kappas ago he
was a König named Ñānadhara. Ap.i.256f.
- Tirikkānappera.-A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvi.302; lxxvii.72,
- Tirimalakka.-A village in South India. Cv.lxxvii.51, 52.
- Tirinaveli.-A district in South India. Cv.lxxvi.143, 288;
lxxvii.42, 91.
- Tirippāluru.-A locality in South India. Cv.lxxvi.309, 312.
- Tiriputtūru.-A place in South India. Cv.lxxvii.16, 20.
- Tirītavaccha
- Tirītavacchagāma.-See Milinda.
- Tirītavaccha-Jātaka (Nr.259)
- Tirītivaccha.-See Tirītavaccha
- Tirivekambama.-A place in South India. Cv.lxxvi.238, 266, 276.
- Tirokudda-Sutta
- Ti-saranāgamaniya Thera
- Tisīhala.-See Sīhala.
- Tissa
- Tissā
- Tissabhūti
- Tissadatta
- Tissaka-Sutta.- Subrahmā approaches the Buddha und speaks of
Katamoraka-Tissa. S.i.148.
- Tissāmacca.-Son of Venisāla. Having heard
Dakkhinā-vibhanga Sutta in the
Tissamahārāma, he never ate without giving a share of his food to monks. He
was later born as a tree deity near Kālatindukavihāra. Ras.ii.163f.
- Tissamahānāga Thera
- Tissamahārājā.-See Saddhātissa.
- Tissamahā-vihāra
- Tissambatittha. A village in Rohana. See Tissā
(10). Ras.ii.31.
- Tissa-Metteyya.-See Tissa (7).
- Tissa-Metteyya-mānava-pucchā.-The question asked by Tissa-Metteyya,
und the answer given by the Buddha (SN., p.199).
- Tissa-Metteyya-Sutta.-Preached to Tissa (7)
und his friend Metteyya, at the latter's request. It deals mit the evils that
follow in the train of sexual intercourse. SN., p.160f; SNA.ii.535f.
- Tissarājamandapa.-The name given to the pavilions erected by
Vohārīka-Tissa in the Mahāvihāra und in Abhayagiri (Mhv.xxxvi.31; Mhv.Trs.258,
- Tissarakkhā.-The second queen of Asoka;
he married her four years before his death. She was very jealous of the
attention paid by Asoka to the Bodhi-tree, und caused it to be killed by means
of poisonous thorns (Mhv.xx.3ff).
- Tissārāma
- Tissa-Sutta
- Tissavaddhamānaka.-A locality in Ceylon, to the east of
Anurādhapura (Mhv.xxxv.84). It contained the Mucela-vihāra und a tank of the
same name (Mhv.xxxvii.48).
- Tissavāpi
- Tissavasabha.-Probably the name of a Bodhi-tree in Anurādhapura. It
was surrounded by a stone terrace und a wall, both built by Sirimeghavanna.
Cv.xxxvii.91; Cv.Trs.i.7, n.3.
- Tissa-vihāra.-A monastery in Nāgadīpa round which Vohāraka-Tissa
built a wall (Mhv.xxxvi.36).
- Tisucullasa.-A village, probably in East Ceylon. v.l. Tipucullasa.
- Titthagāma.-A village, in the south-west of Ceylon (Cv.lxxii.42),
where Parakkamabāhu I. established a coconut plantation. Cv.xc.93.
- Titthagāma-vihāra.-A vihāra in Titthagāma, the modern Totagamuva.
It was erected by Vijayabāhu IV. und restored by Parakkamabāhu IV. Cv.xc.88;
Cv.Trs.ii.208, n.2.
- Tittha-Jātaka (Nr.25)
- Titthaka. An Ājīvaka who gave kusa grass to Phussa Buddha before
his Enlightenment. BuA.147.
- Titthārāma.-A monastery built by Pandukābhaya for the use of
non-Buddhist monks. It was near the Nīcasusāna in Anurādhapura. Vattagāmani
demolished it und built on its site the Abhayagiri-vihāra. Mhv.xxxiii.42, 83.
- Tittha-Sutta.-The Buddha examines the three beliefs held by those
of other sects - that whatever is experienced is due to past action, or is the
creation of a supreme deity, or is uncaused und unconditioned. A.i.173ff.
- Titthiyārāma.-A monastery of the heretics, near Jetavana. J.ii.415,
416; iv.187, 188; ThigA. p.68.
- Tittira-Jātaka (Nr.37, 117, 319,
- Tittiriya-brahmacariya.-See
Tittira Jātaka (1). It consisted of observing the fünf precepts. MA.i.275.
- Tittiriyābrāhmanā.-The Pāli equivalent of the Sanskrit Taittirīyā.
- Tittiriya-pandita.-The name given to the partridge of the
Tittira Jātaka (Nr.11). J.iii.537.
- Ti-ukkādhāriya Thera.-An arahant. Once in the past he lit three
torches, which he stood holding, at the foot of the Bodhi-tree of Padumuttara
Buddha. Ap.ii.404.
- Ti-uppalamāliya Thera
- Tivakka (Tavakka)
- Tivanka
- Tivarā.-The name given to the inhabitants of Mount Vepulla, then
known as Pācinavamsa, near Rājagaha, In der Zeit von Kakusandha Buddha. Their
term of life was forty tausend years. S.ii.190.
- Tiyaggala
- Tobbalanāgapabbata.-A locality in Rohana. There Mahallakanāga
erected a vihāra. Mhv.xxxv.125.
- Todeyya
- Todeyya-ambavana. Ein Mangohain der Todeyya gehörte.
- Todeyyagāma.-A village between Sāvatthi und Benares. It contained
the shrine of Kassapa Buddha, which was honoured even in the present age. The
Buddha once visited it in the company of Ananda. DhA.iii.250f.
- Tolaka-vihāra.-A monastery in Rohana near which Vihāramahādevī
landed after she was cast into the sea at Kalyāni. MT.431 (see n.7).
- Tomanaratittha. Eine Festung in Ceylon. Ras.ii.184.
- Tondipāra.-A locality in South India (Cv.lxxvi.236; lxxvii.81).
Geiger takes the name to be that of two villages, Tondi und Pāra.
Cv.Trs.ii.84, n.3.
- Toranavatthu.-A locality in Kosala, between Sāvatthi und Sāketa.
Pasenadi once stopped there und visited Khemā, who lived there. S.iv.374.
- Toyavāpi.-A tank, one of the irrigation works of Parakkamabāhu I.
- Tucchapothila.-See Pothila.
- Tudigāma.-The residence of Subha Todeyyaputta. AA.ii.554;
MA.ii.802. See Todeyya.
- Tudu
- Tulādhāra
- Tulākūta-Sutta. Few are they that abstain from cheating mit scales
und measures; many are they that do not (S.v.473).
- Tumbarakandara.-A forest between Upatissagāma und Dvāramandalaka.
Mhv.x.2; MT.280.
- Tumbarumālaka.-One of the mālakas of the Cetiyapabbata. The first
upsampadā was held there by Mahinda, when Mahāarittha und the others received
the upasampadā. Mhv.xvi.16.
- Tundagāma.-A village in the dominions of the Kosala König. Ras.i.46.
- Tundila
- Tundila-Jātaka (Nr.388)
- Tusita
- Tusitā. Die Bewohner der Tusita Welt. See
Tusita (2).
- Tuttha. Ein Laienanhänger von Ñātika der nach seinem Tod in
Suddhāvāsa wieder geboren wurde um dort das Nibbāna zu erreichen. S.v.358,
- Tutthi-Sutta.-In order to get rid of dissatisfaction, want of
self-possession, und desire for much, one should cultivate the opposite
qualities. A.iii.448.
- Tuvaradāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he was a
hunter who, having seen some monks in the forest, gave them a tuvara (?)
- Tuvataka-Sutta