Pali Proper Names
- V -
- Vinataka. One of the seven mountain ranges round Sineru.;
SNA.ii.443; Sp.i.119, etc.
Vīnāthūna Jātaka (Nr. 232)
Vinaya Pitaka
- Vinaya Vagga. The eighth chapter of the Sattaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.iv.140 44.
- Vinayadhara Suttā. A group of four suttas on seven qualities which
make a monk skilled in the Vinaya. A.iv.140f.
- Vinayadharasobhana Sutta. Seven qualities which make a monk skilled
in discipline und illustrious; the qualities are the same as those of the
Vinayadhara Sutta. A.iv.142.
- Vinayagandhi. See
- Vinayaganthipada
- Vinayagūlhatthadīpanī. A work ascribed to Chapata. It explains
difficult passages of the Vinayapitaka. Bode, op. cit., 18.
- Vinayālankāra
tikā. A Vinaya compilation by Tipitakālankāra of Tiriyapabbata. Svd.1214;
Bode, op. cit., 54.
- Vinayasamutthānadīpanī. A Vinaya treatise by Chapata. Gv. 64; Bode,
op. cit., 18.
- Vinayasangaha
- Vinayasangīti. A name given to the recital held at Vesāli in
connection mit the Vajjiputta heresy. Sp.i.34.
- Vinayatthakathā. See
- Vinayatthamañjūsā. A tīkā on the Kankhāvitaranī, written by
Buddhanāga. Gv.61; Svd.1212.
- Vinayavinicchaya
- Vindaka. One of the horses of
- Vindusāra. See Bindusāra.
- Vinelapupphiya Thera
- Vinibandha Sutta. On the fünf forms of mental bondage: bondage to
lusts, to the body, to shapes, to sleep, to the desire to become a deva.
A.iii.249; iv. 461.
- Vinīla. The son of a golden goose und a crow. He is identified mit
Devadatta. See the
Vinīlaka Jātaka.
Vinīlak Jātaka (Nr. 160)
Viññāna Sutta
- Viññānañcāyatanūpagādevā. A class of devas living in the Arūpaloka.
Their life lasts for forty tausend mahākappā. M.iii.103; Compendium, p. 143.
- Vīnūpamovāda. Der Name einer Lehrrede (z.B., in ThagA.i.545), die der Buddha zu Sona Kolvisa in Gijjhakūta gesprochen hatte. Normalerweise Sona Sutta genannt. Siehe
Vipakkhasevaka bhikkhu Vatthu
- Vipallāsa Sutta. On four perversions: seeing permanence in
impermanence, ill in not ill, self in not self, fair in foul. A.ii.52.
- Vipallāsakathā. The eighth chapter of the Paññāvagga of the
Patisambhidāmagga. PS.ii.80f.
- Vipassanā Sutta. On insight as to the path which leads to the
"Uncompounded." S.iv.362.
- Vipassanākathā. The ninth chapter of the Paññavagga of the
Patisambhidāmagga. PS.ii.263 43.
- Vipassī Sutta. On the mental evolution of Vipassī, leading to his
Enlightenment. S.ii.5; cf. D.ii.30f.
Vipatti Sutta
- Vipula 1.
A khattiya, father of Revata Buddha. J.i.35;
- Vipula 2.
One of the fünf peaks near Rājagaha, the highest of them. See Vepulla. S.i.67;; Mil.242.
- Vipula Sutta. Four conditions leading to the growth of insight.
- Vipulā. Mutter of Revata Buddha. J.i.35;
- Vipulābhāsa. Twenty nine kappas ago there were several kings of
this name, previous births of Belatthānika (Campakapupphiya) Thera.
ThagA.i.205; Ap.i.167.
- Vīrā Therī.
A certain lay follower gave her a robe, und a Yakkha aware of this, went about
praising his piety. v.l. Cīrā. S.i.213.
- Vīrā.
See Dhīrā.
Viraddha Sutta
- Vīradeva
Virāga Sutta
- Virāgakathā. The fifth chapter of the Yuganandha Vagga of the
Patisambhidā-Magga. Ps.ii.140 7.
- Vīraganga. Name of several Damila chiefs, allies of Kulasekhara.
Cv.lxxvi. 131, 140, 179, 181, 187, 190.
- Viraja 1.
One of the three palaces occupied by Dhammadassī Buddha before his
Renunciation. Bu.xvi.14.
- Viraja 2.
A Pacceka Buddha. ApA.i.107; M.iii.70.
Vīraka Jātaka (Nr. 204)
- Vīraka. The Bodhisatta born as a marsh crow. See the
Vīraka Jātaka.
- Vīranatthambhaka. A cemetery near Benares where Somadatta taught
his father, Aggidatta, how to behave at court when he visited the König.
- Vīrankurārāma. A monastery in Abhayagiri vihāra; it was built by
Sena I. Cv.l.68.
- Vīranukkara. A district in South India, erwähnt in the account of
the campaigns of Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvii.2.
- Vīrapandu
- Vīrapperaya. Name of several Damila chiefs, allies of Kulasekhara.
Cv.lxxvi. 138, 316; lxxvii.6, 7.
- Vīravamma. Husband of Yasodharā, Tochter of Vijayabāhu I. They had
two daughters, Līlāvatī und Sugalā. He was given as dowry the province of
Merukandara. Cv.lix.27.
- Vīravāpi. A tank restored by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.36.
- Viravapupphiya Thera. An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he met
Siddhattha Buddha und gave him a virava flower. Ap.i.223.
- Viriya Sutta 1.
Energy is necessary in order to see things as they really are. S.ii.132.
- Viriya Sutta 2.
A woman who, among other qualities, has energy is reborn in a happy condition.
- Viriya. A pleasaunce in Vebhāra where Siddhattha Buddha was born.
BuA. p. 185.
- Virocamānā. Wife of Kakusandha Buddha before his Renunciation.
Bu.xxiii.17. BuA. (p. 210) calls her Rocanā.
Virocana Jātaka (Nr. 143)
- Virocana. Nine kappas ago there were three kings of this name, all
previous births of Sālapupphadāyaka (Aijuna) Thera. Ap.i.169; ThagA.i.186.
Virūlha, Virūlhaka
- Visākhā bhānavāra. The second chapter of the Cīvarakhandhaka of the
Mahāvagga. Vin.i.281 94.
Visākhā Sutta
- Visākha Sutta. The Buddha listens to a sermon by Visākha
Pañcāliputta und praises his skill in the assembly of monks. The Sutta also
contains a teaching as to how the Dhamma should be preached. A.ii.51f.;
- Visākhūposatha Sutta.-The name given in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr.12)
to the Uposatha Sutta (4) (q.v.).
- Visālā. See Vesāli.
- Visāla. The capital of Ceylon (then known as Mandadīpa) in the time
of Kassapa Buddha. It was to the west of Mahāsāgara uyyāna, und its König at
the time was Jayanta. Mhv.xv.127; Dpv.xv.60; xvii.6; Sp.i.87.
Visālakkhi vimāna Vatthu
- Visālamutta. A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.81, 91.
- Visama Sutta. Crooked actions of body, speech und mind lead one to
purgatory; their opposites to heaven. A.i.293.
- Visamaloma
Visārada Sutta
Visavanta Jātaka (Nr. 69)
Visayha Jātaka (Nr. 340)
- Visayha. The Bodhisatta born as a setthi of Benares. See the
Visayha Jātaka.
- Visirātthala. A tank in Ceylon. Cv.lxviii.49.
Vissakamma, Vissukamma
Vīssāsabhojana Jātaka (Nr. 93).
- Vissasena. A König of Benares. See the
Ārāmadūsa Jātaka.
- Visudatta Thera. A teacher of the Abhidhamma. DhSA. p. 32.
- Visuddhācariya Thera
- Visuddhajanavilāsinī. The name of the Commentary on the Apadāna.
Its author is unknown.
Vitakka Sutta
Vitakkasanthāna Sutta
- Vitakkita Sutta. See Ayoniso
- Vītamāla. A König of fifty seven kappas ago, a previous birth of
Korandapupphiya (Ramanīyavihāri) Thera. Ap.i.206; ThagA.i.116.
- Vītamsā. One of the ten rivers flowing from Himālaya. Mil.114; see
Mil. Trs.i.xliv, for a suggested identification mit Vitastā, the modern Bihat
(or Jhelum).
- Vītarāga Sutta. A monk who is not free from passion, corruption und
infatuation, but is full of cant und deceit, cannot become what he should
become. A.iii.111.
- Vītarāga. A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.71; ApA.i.107.
Vītasoka Thera
- Vitendu. One of the vessels of the Cātummahārājikā present at the
preaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.257.
Vīthisammajjaka Thera
Vīticcha Jātaka (Nr. 244)
- Vitinna. One of the chief lay supporters of Padumuttara Buddha.
- Vitta Sutta. Preached in answer to a deva's questions; the beat
wealth is faith, right deeds bring happiness, truth has the sweetest taste, a
life of wisdom is the best. S.i.42.
- Vittāra. A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvi.146.
Vitthāra Sutta
Vitthata Sutta
- Vitu
und Vitucca. Vassals of the
Cātummahārājikā. They were present at the preaching of the Mahāsamaya
Sutta. D.ii.258.
Vivāda Sutta
- Vivādamūla Sutta. Ten causes, different from the above, of con
tentioin. A.v.78f.
- Vivara Vagga. The first chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.iii.1 33.
Viveka Sutta
- Vivekakathā. The fourth chapter of the Paññā Vagga of the
Patisambhidā-Magga. PS.ii.219 25.
- Viyolaka Vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon. Tissamahānāga lived there
for thirty years. Ras.ii.187
- Vohāra Sutta 1.
Four suttas on modes of speech which are Ariyan und non Ariyan. A.iv.307.
- Vohāra Sutta 2.
Two suttas, one on the eight un Ariyan practices und the other on their
opposites. A.iv.307.
- Vohārapatha Suttā. Two suttas, similar to Vohāra Sutta. A.ii.227=
- Voyalaggamu. A village in Rohana, erwähnt in the account of the
campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiv.122.
- Vuddhi Sutta 1.
The seven bojjhanga, if cultivated, conduce to increase und not decrease.
- Vuddhi Sutta 2.
Four conditions which conduce to the growth of insight. S.v.411.
- Vuddhijo, siehe Buddhija
Vutthāna Sutta
Vutthi Sutta
Vyaggha Jātaka (Nr. 272)
Vyākarana Sutta
- Vyasana Sutta. Ten evils which befall a monk who reviles Ariyans
und his fellow celibates. A.v.169= 317.