Pali Proper
Names - B -
- Babbarā. Name eines Stammes. Ap.ii.359.
Babbu Jātaka (Nr.137)
Badalatthala, Badalatthalī
- Badaratittha. Siehe
- Baddheraka. Ein Elefant des Königs von
Kosala. Er war einmal sehr stark aber im Alter wurde er schwach und blieb im
Morast stecken. Der Elefanten Wärter, auf des Königs Anweisung, ließ den
Elefanten zur Schlacht schmücken und die Kriegstrommel schlagen. In dem
Elefanten erwachte der Stolz und er konnte sich befreien. v.l. Pāveyyaka.
- Baddula Sutta. Siehe
Gaddula Sutta.
- Bahalagangā. Der Name eines Teilstückes des Flusses, der südlich
Himavā herunter floss. Diese Sektion floss zwischen
Tiyaggalapokkharanī und
Ummaggagangā. Sie passierte einen Felsen für eine Länge von sechzig Meilen.
SNA.ii.439; AA.ii.760; UdA.302; MA.i.586.
- Bahalamassu Tissa Thera. Er war ein Schüler von Mahātissa,, und als
der letztere von den Mahā-Vihāra Mönchen, wegen Fehlverhaltens vom Orden
ausgestoßen wurde, verlies Bahalamassu
Tissa den Mahā-Vihāra im Zorn und in Abhayagiri verweilend, gründete er eine
neue Splittergruppe. Mhv.xxxiii.96.
- Bāhika. Siehe
Bāhiya (3)
Bāhiya Jātaka (Nr.108)
- Bāhiya Sutta. Bāhiya (3) bittet
Buddha um eine Lehrrede. S.47.15
und S.35.89
- Bahubhāni-Jātaka. Offensichtlich ein anderer Name (gegeben im DhA.iv.92)
für das
Kacchapa Jātaka (Nr.215).
- Bahubhāṇi-Sutta. Die fünf Nachteile der Gesprächigkeit.
- Bahucintī. Ein Fisch. Siehe das
Mitacintī Jātaka. Jat.114.
- Bahudhanasetthi. Der Name gegeben vom König von Rājagaha an Punna,
als dieser zum Schatzmeister (setthi) befördert wurde (DhA.iii.307). See
Punna (Nr.2).
Bahudhātuka Sutta
- Bahudhīti Sutta. Eine Erzählung über Bahudhīti Bhāradvāja.
- Bahukā. Ein Fluss an den geopfert wurde (M.7;
J.v.388f.??). v.l. Bāhukā.
- Bahukāra Sutta. Es gibt drei große Wohltäter,
A.iii.24, und vier
förderliche Dinge A.iv.246b.
- Bahula-Sutta. Vier förderliche Dinge. S.v.412??.
Bahulikā, Bāhulikā
Bahumangala cetiya
- Bāhumatī. Ein heiliger Fluss, in dem sich Leute ihre Sünden
abzuwaschen glaubten. M.7; MA.i.145.
- Bāhuna. Ein Mönch der Buddha bei Campā am Ufer des Gaggarā Sees
Fragen stellte über die Bedingungen durch welche der
Tathāgata sich ablöst und befreit. Buddha zählte zehn davon auf.
- Bahunandi. Siehe Bāhuraggi unten.
- Bāhuna-(oder Vāhana-)Sutta. Siehe Bāhuna oben.
- Bahūpakāra Sutta. Fünf Eigenschaften die einen Mönch zur Stütze
eines Klosters machen. A.v.234.
Bahuputta, Bahuputtaka cetiya
- Bāhuputta, Bahuputtaka. König von
Benares und Ehemann von Khemā. Er wird mit Sāriputta identifiziert. Für
Details siehe das
Hamsa Jātakā. cp. Seyya.
- Bahuputtikā. Siehe
Sonā Therī.
- Bāhuraggi. Einer der sieben Personen geboren in der
Avihā Welt, um von dort aus für immer zu erlöschen. v.l. Bahunandi.
S.2.24; ThigA. 222.
- Bahusodarī. Eine Gottheit (devadhītā) die
Gandhamādana lebte ( Siehe das
Sāma Jātaka.
- Bahussuta Sutta. Fünf Eigenschaften die einen Menschen achtsam und
weise machen.
- Bahutarā Sattā Vagga. Das zehnte Kapitel des Sacca Samyutta.??
Bahuvedanīya Sutta
Bakabrahma Jātaka (Nr.405)
Bakabrahma Sutta
Baka-Jātaka (Nr.38, 236)
Bakkula Sutta
Bakkula, Bākula, Vakkula Thera
Bākula. See Bakkula
Bala Sutta
- Bālacittapabodhanī. Der Name eines Sub-Kommentars (tīkā). Gv.65, 67.
- Baladatta. Ein König, der letzte der
Brahmadeva Dynastie, der in Ekacakkhu regierte. Dpv.iii.25; MT. 128.
- Baladevavattikā. Anhänger eines bestimmten Kultes, die sich
Reinigung durch ihre Praktiken erhofften. MNid.89.
- Bālādicca. Ein Kloster in Süd Indien, der Wohnort von Coliya
Dīpankara (Buddhappiya), Autor von Rūpasiddhi. P.L.C.220.
- Bālaka. Siehe unten, Bālakalonakāragāma.
Bālakalonakārāma, Bākalonakārāgama
- Balakaranīya Vagga. Mehrere Kapitel im Mahā Vagga des
Samyutta Nikāya tragen diesen Namen, z.B. S.45.149-158,
- Balakathā. Das neunte Kapitel des Yuganandha Vagga im
- Balakkāra. Ein Kālinga Prinz, Verwandter von Tiloka-Sundarī. Er kam
Ceylon Und was erhielt große Ehren und Geschenke von Vijayabāhu I. Cv.lix.46.
- Balāni Sutta. Die vier Kräfte, siehe Bala Sutta
Bālapandita Sutta (M.129)
- Bālāppabodhana. Ein Pāli Werk, wahrscheinlich ein Kommentar (Gv.63, 73).
Es existiert ein Subkommentar (Tīkā) Ibid., 65, 76.
- Bala-Samyutta. Das sechste Samyutta im
Mahā Vagga, das
fünfzigste Samyutta im Samyutta Nikāya.
- Bala Sutta. Mehrere Sutten im Aṅguttara Nikāya tragen
diesen Namen, A.iv.258,
A.v.204,,>, A.ix.5..
- Balasena.. Ein König vor fünfundsiebzig Weltaltern (kappa); eine
frühere Geburt von
Upatthāyaka Thera. Ap.i.241.
- Bala(tam) Sutta. Sechs Fähigkeiten, mit denen die Erlösung
verwirklicht wird.
- Bala-Vagga 1. Das zweite Kapitel des Añcaka Nipāta im Aṅguttara Nikāya.
- Bala-Vagga 2. Das dritte und achte Kapitel des Bala Samyutta.
- Bālāvatāra.. Eine Pāli Grammatik in sieben Kapiteln, von Dhammakitti (oder
Vācissara), geschrieben im vierzehnten Jahrhundert. Es basiert auf das
Kaccāyana und formt eine äußerst
gute Zusammenfassung der Pāli Grammatik. Es gibt mehrere Umschreibungen in
Singhalesisch von dem Werk und zwei Tīkās in Pāli. Für Details
siehe P.L.C.243ff.
- Bāḷhagilāna, Bālhagilāyana (oder Gihīnaya) Sutta (KS.v.268, n.2).
Mönche besuchen
Anuruddha, der schwer krank im
Andhakavana liegt, und fragen ihn, wieso schmerzliche Gefühle keinen
Einfluss auf seinen Geist haben. Er antwortet, weil er gefestigt ist in den
vier satipatthāna.
- Baliharana. Ein Opferhain (vanasanda) bei Kusinārā, wo
Buddha verweilte (A.iii.124;
A.x.44). Er wurde so
genannt, weil dort Opfergaben an verschiedene Götter dargebracht wurden
(AA.i.457; MA.ii.826). Das Kinti Sutta ist dort entstanden (M.103).
- Baḷisa Sutta. Gewinn, Ehre und Ruhm sind wie ein Angelhaken für
einen Fisch, sind ein Hindernis auf dem Befreiungsweg.
- Bāḷisikopama Sutta. Wie Angelhaken mit Köder für den Fisch, sind
die wahrnehmbaren Objekte für die Sinne. Wer die Sinne bewacht, gelangt nicht
in die Kontrolle von Māra. S.35.189.
- Balivadda (Balībadda) Sutta. Über vier Arten von Stieren: solche
die gegen die eigene Herde wüten, gegen andere, gegen keine, und die
Gegenüberstellung zu den Menschen.
- Baluggata. Vor fünfzehn Weltaltern gab es
zwölf Könige mit diesem Namen, frühere Geburten von Ugga Thera (ThagA.i.175;
Ap.i.165). v.l. Khaluggata.
- Bandha Sutta. Siehe
Vaccha Sutta.
Bandhana Sutta
Bandhanāgāra Jātaka (Nr.201)
Bandhanamokkha Jātaka (Nr.120)
Bandhujīvaka Thera
- Bandhumā 1. König von Bandhumatī und Vater von Vipassī Buddha.
Seine Frau war Bandhumatī (Jat.Nid, etc.).
Er hatte zwei Töchter, die in ihren späteren Leben Mahāmāyā und Uracchadā
wurden (Jat.547). Siehe auch
Ekasātaka und
- Bandhumā 2. Ein Einzelerwachter (Pacceka Buddha).
M.116; ApA.i.107.
- Bandhumatī 1. Die Geburtsstadt von Vipassī Buddha.
Jat.Nid.; Bu. xx.
23; D.14, etc.
- Bandhumatī 2. Frau von König Bandhumā und Mutter von Vipassī Buddha.
Jat.Nid; Bu.xx.23;
D.14, etc.
- Bandhumatī 3. Ein Fluss bei Bandhumatī. SNA.i.190.
Bārānasī (Benares)
- Bārānasīsetthi. Siehe
Bāveru Jātaka (Nr.339)
- Bāveru. Ein Königreich außerhalb von Indien, jenseits des Meeres.
Warenaustausch fand statt zwischen Bāveru und Indien. Siehe das
Bāveru Jātaka. Bāveru wird mit Babylon identifiziert. Z.B., Buddhist India,
- Belatta. Vater von
Sañjaya. SNA.ii.423.
Belattha Kaccāna
Belatthānika (Belatthakāni) Thera
- Belatthaputta. Siehe
Sañjaya Belatthaputta.
Belatthasīsa Thera
- Bhaddakaccā, Bhaddākaccā, Bhaddakaccānā, also
Subhaddakaccānā. See
- Bhaddā-Kaccāna. Siehe
Bhadda Kaccāna.
Bhaddā-Kapilānī Therī
- Bhaddakappa. Ein Weltalter wie das jetzige, in welchem fünf Buddhas
erscheinen. BuA.159.
- Bhaddaka-Sutta. Sāriputta ermahnt die Mönche, wer Gefallen findet
an Weltlichem, dem ist kein gutes Ende beschieden.
Bhaddasāla Jātaka (Nr.465)
- Bhaddasena. Sohn von
Ekarāja und Bruder von
Candakumāra (Jat.542). Er
wird mit Moggallāna identifiziert.
- Bhaddasena. Einer der zehn Söhne von
- Bhaddā-Suriyavaccasā. Tochter von Gandhabba
Timbarū und die Liebe von
Bhaddavatī, Bhaddavatikā
Bhaddavatikā. Ein Ort bei Kosambī....
Bhaddavatiya. Vater von Simāvati...
Bhaddayānikā. Ein Ableger der Vajjiputtaka Sekte...
Bhaddekaratta Sutta
- Bhaddika. Siehe Bhaddiya (3).
- Bhadditthivimāna vatthu. Die Geschichte von Bhaddā, Frau von Rohaka. Siehe
Bhaddā (4).
Bhaddiya Sutta
- Bhadrā Therī. She belonged to a clan of the Sākiyans, und left the
world mit Pajāpati Gotamī. While she was meditating, the Buddha sent her a
ray of glory und she attained arahantship. Thig.vs.9; ThigA.13.
Bhadra, or ? Bhagandha Hatthaka Sutta...
- Bhadragaka. A headman of Uruvelakappa und
father of Ciravāsi (S.iv. 327). See
Bhadra Sutta.
Bhadraghata Jātaka (Nr.291).
- Bhadrakāra. Son of Vidhura und eldest brother of Sambhava (the
Bodhisatta). For details see the
Sambhava Jātaka. Bhadrakāra is identified mit Moggallāna. J.v.67.
- Bhadravanasanda. The name given to the grove near the Bodhitree
where the Buddha took his noonday rest after the meal of milk rice provided by
Sujātā. SNA.ii.391.
Bhadrāvudha. One of the sixteen disciples of Bāvarī, ...
Bhagalavatī. A place in Uttarakuru where the Yakkhas assemble....
- Bhagandha Hatthaka Sutta. See
Bhadragandha Hatthaka Sutta.
Bhaggā. The name of a tribe und a country, ...
Bhaggavagotta. A clothed Wanderer (channaparibbājaka)...
- Bhaggavī. See
Bhaggava (3).
- Bhaginī Sutta 1. It would not be easy to find a person who has not
been one's sister during samsāra. S.ii.189.
- Bhaginī Sutta 2. There are men who would not lie, even for a
sister's sake. S.ii.243.
- Bhagīrasa. A König of old, erwähnt as having held great
sacrifices; he could not, however, advance beyond the peta world.
- Bhagīrathī, Bhagīrasī. See Bhāgirathī.
- Bhagu. A famous sage (isi) of old (Vin.i.245; D.i.104, 238, 243;
M.ii. 169, 200; A.iii.224; A.iv.61). He was one of the teachers who composed
runes combined mit the teachings of
Kassapa Buddha. DA.i.273, etc.
- Bhājanadāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety one kappas ago he was a
potter of Bandhumatī und supplied pots to the monks. Fifty-three kappas ago he
was a König named Anantajāli. Ap.i.218.
- Bhallātakadāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Eighteen kappas ago he was an
ascetic und, seeing the Buddha Atthadassī going through the air, invited him
to his hermitage. There he gave the Buddha a bhallātaka-fruit (Ap.ii.398). He
is probably, identical mit Vijitasena. Thag.A.i.426.
- Bhallatittha. A landing place in Ceylon where Abhayanāga once
lived. Mhv.xxxvi.43.
- Bhallātiya. König of
Benares. See the
Bhallātiya Jātaka.
Bhallātiya-Jātaka (Nr. 504)
Bhallika, Bhalliya, Bhalluka Thera.
Bhalluka. Nephew of
Bhanda, Bhandu Thera
Bhandagāma. A Vajjian village between Vesāli und Hatthigāma ...
- Bhandagāma-Vagga. The first chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the
Aguttara Nikāya. A.ii.1-12.
- Bhandāgāra-amacca. Given as an example of a handsome person.
- Bhandakucchi. One of the gate keepers (dovārikā) of Mandavya, who
were ordered to cast
Mātanga out. J.iv.382.
Bhandana Sutta
- Bhandārapotthakī.-See
Kitti (7).
- Bhandika. An eminent Thera, well versed in the four Nikāyas
(catunikāyika). He was evidently an esteemed Commentator. See, z.B., SA.i.17.
- Bhandikā-parivena. A building attached to the Abhayiāgiri vihāra
und built by Kassapa V. (Cv.lii.68) It evidently received its name in honour
of the König's Mutter. Cv. Trs.i.167, n. 6.
Bhandu, Bhanduka
Bhāradvāja Sutta
- Bharandu Sutta. Records the visit of the Buddha to the hermitage of
Bharandukālāma. A.i.276 ff.
Bharandukālāma. A recluse, once a co-disciple of the Buddha ...
- Bhāra-Sutta. The burden is the fünf upādānakkhandhas, the
burden-bearer is the person (puggala), the taking up of the burden is the lust
that leads to rebirth, the laying down of the burden is passionless ceasing of
craving. S.iii.25f.
- Bharatakumāra. Son of the second queen of Dasaratha und stepbrother
of Rāma und Lakkhana. For his story see the
Dasaratha Jātaka. He is identified mit Ananda. J.iv.124 ff.
- Bhāratayuddha. Evidently refers to the story of the Mahābhārata. It
is reckoned among the sinful topics of conversation. z.B., VibhA.490.
- Bhāra-Vagga. The third chapter of the Khandha Samyutta. S.iii.25
Bharu Jātaka (Nr.213).
- Bharukacchaka Vatthu. The story of a monk of
Bharukaccha who having (in his dream) lain mit a woman, thought he was
guilty of a pārājikā offence. But
Upāli ruled that he was blameless. Vin.iii.39; Sp.i.283.
- Bhātaragāma. A village in Ceylon, residence of Nāgā Therī.
AA.ii.654; MA.i.546.
- Bhātā-Sutta. It is not easy to find one who has not been a brother
in the long faring of samsāra. S.ii.189.
- Bhāti, Bhātiya. König of Magadha, father of
Bimbisāra. Dpv.iii.52f.; MT.137.
Bhātikābhaya. Also called Bhātika or Bhātiya
- Bhātikatissa-vihāra. A vihāra built by
Bhātiyavanka vihāra
- Bhatta Sutta. The fünf disadvantages which come to a family who
wait to eat till the sun has fully risen. A.iii.260.
- Bhattā. See
- Bhavanetti Sutta. The Buddha tells Rādha that that which leads to
rebirth is lust for the body, for feelings, etc. S.iii.190.
- Bhavanimmita. Fifty seven kappas ago there were four kings of this
name, previous births of Phalakadāyaka Thera (Ap.i.174). v.l. Santanāmika.
- Bhāvasetthi. A previous birth of
Bījaka (2).
Bhayabherava Sutta
- Bhayasīva. A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.69; ApA.i.106.
- Bhaya-Vagga. The thirteenth chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.ii.121 33.
- Bhennākata. A locality where Rujā lived as a castrated goat.
- Bheravāya. A rock cave, near Himavā, where Sambula-kaccāna dwelt in
meditation. ThagA.i.314.
Bherī. A female ascetic ...
Bherivāda-Jātaka (Nr. 59)
- Bheruva. A city, the residence of
Asayhasetthi. PvA.112,118,119.
- Bhesajja-anuññāta-bhānavāra. The thirteenth chapter of the sixth
Khandaka of the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya Pitaka.
- Bhesajjamañjūsā. A Pāli medical work written in der Zeit von Parakkamabāhu II. by a monk of Ceylon. The author is referred to as
Pañcaparivenādhipati. Saranankara wrote a Sinhalese Commentary on it.
Cv.xcvii.59; Svd.1265.
- Bhesakalā. A Yakkhinī. See
Bhesakalāvana. A grove in the Bhagga country....
- Bhesikā. The barber of
Lohicca. D.i.224.
- Bhidura Sutta.-A sutta quoted in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr. 83) from
the Itivuttaka (p.69f). The body breaks up, consciousness is contemptible; all
things change.
- Bhikkhadāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety four kappas ago he gave a
spoonful of food to Siddhattha Buddha. Eighty seven kappas ago he was König
seven times under the name of Mahārenu (Ap.i.140). He is probably identical
mit Godhika Thera. ThagA.i.124.
- Bhikkhadāyī. See Bhikkhudāsi.
Bhikkhāparampara Jātaka (Nr.496)
Bhikkhū Sutta
Bhikkhudāsikā, Bhikkhadāyikā
- Bhikkhunā-Sutta 1. In the Buddha's method of explaining Dhamma,
there feelings are divided into various categories of 2, 3, 5, 6, 18, 30, 108,
etc. S.iv.229.
- Bhikkhunā-Sutta 2. Same as Bhikkhu Sutta (6).
- Bhikkhunī-khandhaka. The tenth section of the Culla Vagga of the
Vinaya Pitaka.
- Bhikkhunī-Samyutta. The fifth section of the Samyutta Nikāya.
S.i.128 35.
Bhikkhunīvāsaka Sutta
- Bhikkhunī-Vibhanga. The second section of the Sutta Vibhanga of the
Vinaya Pitaka, also called Cūla Vibhanga.
- Bhikkhupātimokkha. See
Anumāna Sutta.
- Bhikkhu-Samyutta. The zwanzig first section of the Samyutta Nikāya.
S.ii.273 86.
- Bhikkhu-Vagga 1. The seventh section of the Majjhima Nikāya,
containing suttas 61 70.
- Bhikkhu-Vagga 2. The zwanzig fifth section of the Dhammapada.
- Bhikkhu-Vibhanga. The first division of the Sutta Vibhanga of the
Vinaya Pitaka. It is also called the Mahā Vibhanga.
Bhīma. A sage of old ...
- Bhima. The name of a celestial musician or a musical instrument.
VvA.93, 96, 211, 372.
- Bhīmarāja. A Kālinga prince of Sīhapura, brother of Tilokasundarī.
He came to Ceylon und Vijayabāhu I. gave him suitable maintenance. Cv.lix.46.
- Bhīmasena 1. A weaver; see the
Bhīmasena Jātaka.
- Bhīmasena 2. One of the fünf Pāndavas, sons of König Pandu; he was
the husband of
Kanhā. J.v.424, 426.
Bhīmasena-Jātaka (Nr.80)
- Bhiruka-Jātaka. See
Pañcagaru Jātaka.
- Bhisa. A König of three kappas ago, a previous birth of
Bhisāluvadāyaka. Ap.i.120.
Bhisadāyaka Thera
Bhisa-Jātaka (Nr.488).
- Bhisāluvadāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety one kappas ago he gave
some lotus stalks und water to Vipassī Buddha. Three kappas ago he was a König
named Bhisa. Ap.i.120.
- Bhisamulāladāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety two kappas ago he met
Phussa Buddha alone in the forest und gave him lotus stalks und petals.
Bhisapuppha Jātaka (Nr.392).
- Bhīta-Sutta. The Buddha, in answer to a deva's question, says that
if a man be pure in word, deed und thought, has faith, und is generous, he
need not fear life in another world. S.i.42.
- Bhiyya. One of the chief lay patrons of Paduma Buddha. Bu.ix.23.
Bhiyyasa (Bhīya)
Bhogagāmanagara. A village in the Vajji country,..
- Bhogasamhara petavatthu. The story of a woman of Rājagaha who,
having earned money by selling things mit false measures, was born in the
peta world. Pv.iv.14; PvA.278f
- Bhoga-Sutta. The fünf disadvantages of riches und also the fünf
advantages of the same. A.iii.259.
- Bhogavatī. A palace in the Nāga world, the residence of the Nāga
König Varuna, father of Irandatī. 269, 270.
Bhojājānīya-Jātaka (Nr.23).
- Bhojakagiri. A vihāra in Kālinga, built by Asoka, at the cost of
one crore, for his brother Tissa (Ekavihārika). ThagA.i.506, 507.
- Bhojanadāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Thirty one kappas ago he gave a
meal to Vessabhū Buddha. Twenty fünf kappas ago he was a König named Amitābha.
- Bhojanasuddhika. The Bodhisatta born as the König of
Benares. See the
Dūta Jātaka. J.ii.319, 321.
- Bhojana-Vagga. The fourth section of the Pācittiya of the Vinaya
Pitaka. Vin.iv. 69 90.
- Bhokkanta. A village in the Dakkhinadesa of Ceylon. Till deserted
by its inhabitants (probably through fear of the Damilas), it was the
residence of Sumanā, wife of Lakuntaka Atimbara (DhA.iv.50).
- Bhujaka. A tree mit fragrant wood, found only in Gandhamādana.
- Bhujangadvāra. One of the gates of Pulatthippura. Cv.lxxiii.162.
- Bhūmicāla-Vagga. The seventh chapter of the Atthaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.iv.293-313.
- Bhūmiya.-A König of fifteen kappas ago; a previous birth of
Nāgasamāla. Ap.i.119.
- Bhummā. A class of devas, earth bound deities. They belong to the
lowest category of devas. z.B., A.iv.119.
- Bhummaja. One of the
Chabbaggiyā. His followers were called Bhummajakā.
Bhuñjatī.Wife of Vessavana und a devout follower of the Buddha...
- Bhūridatta. The Bodhisatta born as the son of the Nāga König,
Dhatarattha. See the
Bhūridatta Jātaka.
Bhūridatta-Jātaka (Nr.543).
Bhūripañha-Jātaka (Nr.452).
- Bhūripañña. One hundert und seven kappas ago there were four kings
of this name, previous births of Paccupatthānasaññaka (Ekūdāniya). Ap.i.153;
- Bhūri-Sutta. Four conditions which, if developed, lead to extensive
insight. S.v.412.
- Bhūtagana. A mountain near
Himavā. Ap.i.179; ThagA.i.215.
- Bhūtamangalagāma. A village in the Cola country in South India.
Buddhadatta lived there in a monastery built by Venhudāsa. P.L.C.107.
- Bhūtapāla-Nanda.-One of the
- Bhūtavālika. A setthiputta, held up as an example of a devout
follower of the Buddha (AA.i.335). He is probably identical mit
- Bhuttakatittha.-A ford, probably on the Mahāvālukanadī. It was two
leagues from Vālagāma Vihāra. See Tambasumana.
Bilālidāyaka Thera
Bilangika Bhāradvāja
- Bilangika Bhāradvāja Sutta. Relates the story of the conversion of
Bilangika Bhāradvāja. S.i.164.
Bilāra-Jātaka (Nr.128)
Bilārikosiya Jātaka (Nr.450)
- Bilārikosiya. A rich miser whom Sakka converted into a generous
donor. See the
Bilārikosiya Jātaka.
- Billaphaliya Thera. Ein Heiliger. He was an ascetic living on the
banks of the Candabhāgā In der Zeit von Kakusandha Buddha. One day he gave the
Buddha a billa fruit (wood apple) from the tree which grew in his grove.
- Billasela. A mountain in Ceylon. Vijayabāhu III. built, on its
summit, a temple for the Tooth Relic (Cv.lxxxi.33; see also Cv.Trs.ii.138,
n.4.). From there the Relic was removed by Parakkamabāhu II. to Jambuddoni.
- Bimbādevī. See
- Bimbasundarī. Probably another name for Bimbādevī. She is
identified mit Amarādevi of the
Mahā Ummagga Jātaka.
- Bimbī. An eminent laywoman, follower of the Buddha. A.iv.347;
- Bimbijāliya Thera. Ein Heiliger. In the past he gave a bimbijālika
flower to Padumuttara Buddha. Sixty eight kappas ago he was König four times
under the name of Kiñjakesara. Ap.i.225.
- Bīranatthambhaka Vagga. The seventh chapter of the Duka Nipāta of
the Jātakatthakathā. J.ii.164ff.
Bodhāhārakula, Bodhidhārakula
- Bodhanā Sutta. The Buddha explains to a monk, in answer to his
question, that the bojjhangas are so called because they conduce to wisdom.
- Bodhī. Daughter of Kassapa I. Cv.xxxix.11.
- Bodhighariya Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety four kappas ago he built a
pavilion by the Bodhi tree of Siddhattha Buddha. Sixty fünf kappas ago he
became König in Kāsika, which city was built for him by Vissakamma, ten leagues
long und eight broad. His palace was called Mangala. Ap.ii.401.
- Bodhiguttā. A nun of the Hatthālhakārāma in Anurādhapura, colleague
of Sanghamittā. She belonged to the Moriya clan und was the elder sister of
Sunandā, wife of Bodhigutta. Mbv. 169.
- Bodhimātu Mahātissa Thera. He came through the air to receive from
Dutthagāmanī a share of the food which the latter had obtained while
fleeing from Culanganiyapitthi. According to other accounts the Thera's name
Kutumbiyaputta Tissa. AA.i.366.
Bodhirājakumāra Sutta
- Bodhisammajjaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. In the past he picked up
leaves from the courtyard of a Bodhi tree und cleaned it (Ap.ii.457). He is
probably identical mit Tissa Thera. ThagA.i.105f.
- Bodhisiñcaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety one kappas ago, when a
great festival was being held in honour of the Bodhi tree of Vipassī Buddha,
he sprinkled perfumed water on the tree. Thirty three kappas ago he became
König eight times under the name of Udakāsecana (Ap.i.131). v.l. Bodhisaññaka.
- Bodhi-Sutta. On the seven bojjhangas as the seven things that cause
not decline (aparihāniyā dhammā). A.iv.23.
- Bodhī-Theri. A friend of
Isidāsī, who related the story of her own past lives at the request of
Bodhī. ThigA.p.261.
- Bodhitissa. A chieftain, probably of Malaya. He built the
Bodhitissa-vihāra. Cv.xlvi.30.
- Bodhitissa-vihāra. See Bodhitissa above.
- Bodhiupatthāyaka
Thera. Ein Heiliger. Eighteen kappas ago he was born in Rammavatī under the
name of Muraja und paid great homage to the Bodhi tree. Fifteen kappas ago he
was a König named Damatha. Ap.i.174.
- Bodhī-Uppalavannā Kassapagiri. The name given to the enlarged
monastery at Issarasamanārāma built by Kassapa I. Cv.xxxix.11; see also
Cv.Trs.i.43, n.7.
- Bodhi-Vagga. The first chapter of the Udāna.
- Bodhivamsa. See
- Bodhivandaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Ninety one kappas ago he saw the
pātali bodhi of Vipassī Buddha und worshipped it. Ap.i.290.
- Bojjhā, Bocchā. An eminent upāsikā. The Anguttara Nikāya (A.iv.259,
also 347) records a visit paid by her to the Buddha at Jetavana. The Buddha
then preached to her on the uposatha und the advantages of keeping the fast.
- Bojjhangakathā. The third chapter of the Yuganaddha Vagga of the
- Bojjhangakosalla Sutta. One of the sections of the Bojjhanga
Samyutta. VibhA.229, 231; the reference is to S.v.112f.
- Bojjhanga-Sākacca Vagga. The sixth chapter of the Bojjhanga
Samyutta. S.v.102ff.
- Bojjhanga-Samyutta. The second section (forty sixth Samyutta) of
the Mahāvagga of the Samyutta Nikāya. S.v.61ff.
- Bojjhā-Sutta. Records the visit of Bojjhā (q.v.) to the Buddha und
the sermon preached to her on the uposatka. A.iv.259ff.
Brahāchatta Jātaka (Nr.336)
- Brahma. See
Brahmacariya Sutta
Brahmadatta-Jātaka (Nr.323)
- Brahmadeva-Sutta. Records the story of
Brahmadeva Thera (q.v. 3) und his Mutter. S.i.140ff.
Brahmajāla Sutta
- Brahmakāyikā devā. See
Brahmāli Thera
Brāhmanadhammika Sutta
- Brāhmana-Samyutta. The seventh section of the Samyutta Nikāya.
Brāhmanatissa-cora, Brāhmanatissabhaya
Brahmanimantanika Sutta
Brahmañña Sutta
- Brahmapārisajja, Brahmapurohita. Siehe
- Brahmā-Samyutta. Die sechste Unterteilung des Samyutta Nikāya.
- Brahmavaddhana 1. Ein alter Name von
Bārānasī (siehe Jātaka 532).
- Brahmavaddhana 2. Son of Metteyya Buddha before his Renunciation.
Anāgatavamsa, vs.48.
- Brahmavatī. A brahminee, the Mutter of Metteyya Buddha. Vsm.434;
DhSA.415; Dvy.60; Anāgatavamsa, vs. 96.
- Brahmāyu-Sutta. Records the story of the conversion of Brahmāyu ...
- Bubbula. A village in Ceylon, erwähnt in the account of the
campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxx.99; see Cv.Trs.i.295, n.4.
- Budalavitthi. A village in Ceylon where Vijayabāhu I. erected fünf
dwelling places for the monks on the spot where his parents had been cremated.
- Buddhā. Wife of Prince Bodhi und, later, of Moggallāna. By Bodhi
she had a Tochter Lokitā und by Moggallāna four children: Kitti (afterwards
Vijayabāhu I.), Mittā, Mahinda und Rakkhita. Cv.lvii.40.
- Buddhabhelagāma. A village in Ceylon given by Jetthā, wife of
Aggabodhi IV., for the maintenance of the Jetthārāma. Cv.xvli.28.
Buddhadatta Thera
- Buddhadeva Thera. A member of the Mahimsāsaka sect. He was one of
the three monks - the others being Atthadassī und Buddhamitta - at whose
suggestion the Jātakatthakathā was written. J.i.1.
- Buddhagāma vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon for the maintenance of
which Sena II. gifted a village.
- Buddhagāma. A village und district in the Dakkhiniadesa of Ceylon.
It is erwähnt in the account of the campaigns of Parakkamabāhu I.
Cv.lviii.43; lxvi.19, 25, 39, 62; lxix.9; lxx.311; lxxii.178; for its
identification see Cv.Trs.i.206, n.1.
- Buddhagāmakanijjhara. A tank restored by Parakkamabāhu I.
- Buddhaghosuppatti. A very late account of the life of Buddhaghosa;
it is more a romance than a historical chronicle. For an account of this see
Law, Pāli Lit.
558 f. The
work has been translated und edited by Gray (London).
- Buddhālankāra. A Pāli poem based on the Sumedhakathā by Sīlavamsa.
Bode, p. 43.
- Buddhamātā. See
- Buddhanāga Thera. A disciple of Sāriputta of Ceylon. He wrote the
Vinayatthamañjūsā on the Kankhāvitaranī at the request of a monk named
Sumedha. Gv.61f., 71; SadS.65; Svd.1212; P.L.C.201.
- Buddhanāyaka, Buddhanātha. A general of Mānābharaina (2). He was
defeated at Nāla by the Kesadhātu Rakkha. Later, during eight days, he fought
at Pillavitthi a battle against the forces of Parakkamabāhu I. und again
against the Adhikārin Rakkha. He was killed in the last-named conflict.
Cv.lxx.296; lxxii.171, 266, 270. See Cv.Trs.i.311,n.2.
- Buddhapakinnakhandha. The twelfth chapter of the Buddhavamsa.
- Buddhapitā. See
- Buddharāja. A powerful man of Rohana who is said to have quarrelled
mit Loka, ruler of Kājaragāma. Cv.lvii.45.
- Buddhasiri. Ein Mönch von dem Mahāvihāra, auf wessen Wunsch das
Samantapāsādikā von Buddhaghosa geschrieben wurde. Sp.i.2.
- Buddhasoma. Ein Mönch aus Ceylon, Freund von Ananda, der Autor von
Saddhammopāyana. Das Werk wurde kompiliert von Ananda als religiöses Geschenk
für Buddhasoma. P.L.C.212.
- Buddha-Sutta. Siehe
Araham Sutta (5).
- Buddha-Vagga 1. Das vierzehnte Kapitel des Dhammapada.
- Buddha-Vagga 2. Das erste Kapitel des Nidāna Samyutta.
- Buddhavīmamsaka-mānava. Siehe
Uttara (9).
- Buddhija, Buddhiya. Persönlicher Begleiter
von Kakusandha Buddha. Bu.xxiii.20;
Jat.Einl.; in
D.14 wir er Vuddhijo genannt.
- Buddhippasādinī. Ein Subkommentar (Tīkā) über das Padasādhana von
Srī Rāhula aus dem fünfzehnten Jahrhundert. P.L.C.205.
- Buddhupatthāka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Vor einundneunzig
Weltzeitaltern (kappa) blies er in Verehrung von Vipassī Buddha eine
Meerschneckenschale. Vor vierundzwanzig Weltzeitaltern (kappa) war er sechzehn
Mal König unter dem Namen Mahānigghosgā (Ap.i.138f). Er ist wahrscheinlich
identisch mit Vimala Thera. ThagA.i.122f.
- Buddhūpatthāyaka Thera. Ein Heiliger. Vor einunddreißig
Weltzeitaltern trug er den Namen Vetambarī und sein Vater gab ihn an Buddha (?
Sikhī). Vor dreiundzwanzig Weltzeitaltern (kappa) war er vier Mal König unter
dem Namen Samanūpatthaka. Ap.i.242.
- Būkakalla. Ein Dorf in Ceylon in der Nähe von Ambavāpī, gegeben von
Potthakuttha an die Mātambiya Padhānaghara. Cv.xlvi.20.
- Burudatthalī. Eine Festung gegenüber Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxii.36.