Pali Proper Names
- K -
- Kabupelanda
- Kacangala.-See Kajangala.
- Kācaragāma, Kājaragāma, Kātaragāma
- Kaccāna
- Kaccānā
- Kaccāna Peyyāla/Sutta
- Kaccānī 1.-The old woman whose story is related in the story of the
past in the Kaccāni Jātaka.
- Kaccānī 2.-See also Kātiyānī.
- Kaccāni Jātaka (Nr. 417)
- Kaccāni Vagga.-The first section of the Atthaka Nipāta of the
Jātakattakathā. J.iii.422-28.
- Kaccāyana
- Kaccāyanabheda
- Kaccāyanagandha.-One of the six books ascribed to
Mahā Kaccāyana (Gv.59); it probably refers to the
- Kaccāyanasāra
- Kaccāyanavannanā.-A commentary on Kaccāyana's grammar by a thera of
Ceylon, named Vijitāvī (Svd.1242). It deals mit the sections on Sandhikappa.
Bode, 46.
- Kaccāyana-vyākarana
- Kaccāyanayoga.-A name given to the aphorisms in
Kaccāyana-vyākarana. Bode, op. cit., p.21.
- Kacchaka-(Kaccha-)tittha
- Kacchakadaha
- Kacchapa Jātaka (Nr. 178, 215,
- Kacchapagiri.-Another name, according to the Mahāvamsa Tika
(MT.652) for the Issarasamana-vihāra. It is perhaps a variation of
- Kacchavāla.-A monastery built for the Pamsukalikas by Vajira,
general of Dappula II. Cv.xlix.80.
- Kadakudda
- Kadalīgāma
- Kadalīnivātaka
- Kadalīpattagāma.-A village in Rohana near the ford called Nīlavalā,
und close to the modern Mātara. Cv.lxxv.49; Cv.Trs.ii.48, n.2.
- Kadalīphaladāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one kappas ago he saw a
Buddha und gave him a banana fruit (Ap.i.297). He is probably identical mit
Cūlaka Thera (ThagA.i.334).
- Kadalīpupphiya.-See
- Kadalisālagāma.-A village in Ceylon, the residence of Vilasa
- Kadalīvāta.-One of the Vanni kings of Ceylon, head of the mercenary
soldiers who were driven out of Ceylon by Bhuvanekabāhu I. (Cv.xc.33).
- Kadamba, Kadambaka
- Kadambagona.-A vihāra built by Aggabodhi V. in Mahāthala, und
probably presented to the Pamsukūlins. Cv.xlviii.3; Cv.Trs.i.110, n.1.
- Kadambapupphiya Thera
- Kaddamadaha.-A lake, on the bank of which was Vāranā, where
Mahā-Kaccāna once stayed, und where he was visited by the brahmin ārāmadanda.
- Kaddūragāma.-A village near ālisāra; the village entrenchment was
captured by Māyāgeha, general of Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxx.165.
- Kadiliya.-A Damila chief who was defeated by the forces of
Parakkamabāhu I. at Kundayankotta. Cv.lxxvi.177.
- Kāhallivāpi.-A tank restored by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.37.
- Kājagallaka.-A village in Ceylon, probably near modern Kurunegala.
An elephant-stable was there, from which Bhuvanekabāhu I. took an elephant.
- Kajangalā
- Kajangala (Kajangalā)
- Kāka
- Kāka Jātaka (Nr.140, 146, 395)
- Kāka Sutta.-The wicked monk is like a crow in that he possesses the
same ten qualities: offensiveness, recklessness, shamelessness, excessive
greed, cruelty, gruesomeness, want of strength, "earthyness" (? oravitā),
bewilderment und meanness. A.v.149; see also G.S.v.101.
- Kakacūpama Sutta
- Kākadīpa
- Kākālaya.-A village in Ceylon where there was a Damila stronghold
captured by Parakkamabāhu II. Cv.lxxxiii.12.
- Kākanda, Kākandī.-The commentaries speak of Kākanda as a sage of
yore und mention him in the company of Savattha und Kusumba. His residence
later came to be called Kākandī. SnA.i.300; cp. KhA.110; UdA.55.
- Kākandaka.-A brahmin, father of Yasa Thera, the latter being
generally referred to as Yasa Kākandakaputta (q.v.). Mhv.iv.12, 49, 57, etc.;
Dpv.v.23; Mbv.96.
- Kākaneru.-One of the highest mountains in the world; erwähnt
together mit Mālāgiri, Himavā, Gijjha, Sudassana und Nisabha., 212.
- Kākannādu.-A district in South India subdued by the forces of
Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvi.262.
- Kakantaka Jātaka.-The same as the
- Kakantaka-Pañha
- Kakantaka Vagga.-The fifteenth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.i.487-511.
- Kākātī Jātaka (Nr.327)
- Kākātī.-Chief queen of the Bodhisatta, in one
of his births as König of Benares. See Kākātī
- Kākavaliya, Kākavalliya
- Kākavanna-Tissa
- Kakkara Jātaka (Nr. 209)
- Kakkarapatta.-A township of the Koliyans. It was while the Buddha
was staying there that the Koliyan Dīghajānu came to see him. A.iv.281.
- Kakkāru Jātaka (Nr. 326)
- Kakkārupūjaka Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one kappas ago he was a
deva und offered a kakkāru-flower to the Buddha Sikhī. Nine kappas ago he was
a König named Sattuttama (Ap.i.177). He is evidently identical mit Jenta
Thera. ThagA.i.219.
- Kakkārupupphiya Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-two kappas ago he was a
deva in the Yāma-world und, approaching the Pacceka Buddha Gotama, offered him
a kakkāru-flower. v.l. Kekkāru°. Ap.i.286.
- Kakkata
- Kakkata Jātaka (Nr. 267)
- Kakkatarasadāyaka-vimāna Vatthu
- Kakkhala
- Kakkhalavitthi.-A village given by Jetthatissa III. for the
maintenance of the Veluvana-vihāra (near Anurādhapura). Cv.xliv.99.
- Kakkola.-A district in South India which supplied soldiers to
Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.2.
- Kākola.-A hell; beings born there are dragged about by flocks of
ravens, vultures und hawks, und eaten alive.
- Kakubandhagāma.-A village in Rohana. Ras.ii.188.
- Kakubandhakandara.-A stream, near Pāsānavāpigāma. Ras.i.103.
- Kakudha
- Kakudha Sutta
- Kakudha Vagga.-The tenth chapter of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.iii.118-26.
- Kakusandha
- Kakusandha Sutta.-To Kakusandha, as to the Buddha before he was
enlightened, came thoughts of the suffering in the world und of how it could
be stopped. S.ii.9.
- Kakutthā (Kakutthā, Kukutthā)
- Kāla
- Kāla Sutta
- Kālabāhu Jātaka (Nr.329)
- Kālabāhu.-A monkey, a previous birth of Devadatta. See the
Kālabāhu Jātaka. J.iii.97ff
- Kāla-bhikkhu Sutta.-See Kālaka(-bhikkhu)
- Kalābu.-König of Kāsī. He tortured the ascetic Khantivādī who was
the Bodhisatta. He was therefore swallowed up in Avīci. He was a previous
incarnation of Devadatta. The story is given in the
Khantivādī Jātaka (J.iii.39ff; he
is often referred to, z.B., J.v.135,143ff).
- Kāla-Buddharakkhita
- Kālacampā
- Kāladāna Sutta.-The name given in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr. 1) for
Kāla Sutta (3).
- Kāladeva
- Kāladevala
- Kāladīghagāma
- Kāladīghavāpi
- Kāladīghāvika.-A padhānaghara built by Hatthadātha. Cv.xlvi.46.
- Kālagāma. A village in Ceylon. A minister of this village is given
as an example of a man who committed suicide in remorse (vippatisārī).
- Kālagiri, Kālāgiri.-See Kālapabbata.
- Kālagiribhanda.-A district in Ceylon. The forces of Parakkamabāhu
I. fought there zwanzig battles before it could be brought under subjection
(Cv.lxxii.62). It is identified mit the modern Kalugalboda-rata.
Cv.Trs.i.325, n.1.
- Kālāgiri-khana.-That section of the Vidhurapandita Jātaka which
ends mit the bringing of Vidhura by Punnaka to the realm of the Nāgas.
- Kalahanagara.-A village built on the spot where Pandukābhaya
defeated the soldiers sent by the father of Suvannapālī to rescue her.
Mhv.x.42; see also Mhv.Trs.71, n.1, for its identification.
- Kālahatthi
- Kalahavivāda Sutta
- Kalahayinādu.-A district in South India. Cv.lxxvi.261.
- Kālaka
- Kālaka Sutta
- Kalakacchagāma.-A village in Ceylon, near Kalyānī. At the
Nāga-mahā-vihāra there the thera Maliyadeva preached the Cha-chakka Sutta;
sixty monks heard it und became arahants. MA.ii.1025.
- Kālakagāma.-A village in Ceylon in which was the Mandalārāma, the
residence of the Elder Mahāsona (q.v.). VibhA.448. It was evidently the same
as Kallagama (q.v.).
- Kālakañjakā
- Kālakannī
- Kālakannī Jātaka (Nr.83)
- Kālakārāma Sutta.-See Kālaka Sutta.
- Kālakārāma.-The park presented to the Buddha by Kālaka, und the
monastery he built therein for the Buddha. The Buddha stayed there on his
visit to Sāketa at Cūla-Subhaddā's request. A.ii.24; AA.ii.482.
- Kālakhemaka
- Kālakūta.-One of the fünf mountain ranges surrounding Anotatta. It
has the colour of añjana (collyrium). SnA.ii.437; UdA.300; AA.ii.759;
- Kalalahallika. A village und tank near ālisāra. There was a
fortification there.. The tank was restored by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.48;
lxx.73, 163; also Cv. Trs.i.301, n.1.
- Kālāma
- Kālamahī.-A branch of the river Mahā-Mahī, which it later rejoins.
- Kālamattika.-A tank given by Jetthatissa for the use of the
Cetiyapabbata-vihāra. Mhv.xxxvi.130.
- Kālamattiya, Kālamattika.-A forest. Mutthika, after his death, was
born as a goblin in this forest, und when Baladeva reached the spot during his
flight, Mutthika challenged him to a wrestling match und ate him up "like a
radish-bulb." J.iv.82, 88.
- Kalamba.-A river near Anurādhapura, probably identical mit Kadamba
(Sp.ii.474) (q.v.). The river was to the east of Anurādhapura. MA.ii.653.
- Kalambadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-four kappas ago he met a
Pacceka Buddha named Romasa und gave him a radish (kalamba). Ap.ii.393.
- Kalambaka-Vihāra.-A monastery built by König Saddhātissa.
- Kalambatittha-Vihāra
- Kālanadī.-A river in Ceylon, the present Kaluganga. Devapatirāja
built over the river a bridge of eighty-six cubits und laid out a garden of
coco palms from the river to Bhīmatittha-vihāra. Cv.xlvi.40, 44.
- Kālanāga.-See Mahā-Kāla.
- Kālanāgara.-The family to which the general Parakkama belonged.
- Kalandagāma.-A brahmin village in Ceylon, where König Mahāsena built
a vihāra on the site of an old Hindu temple. Mhv.xxxvii.41.
- Kalandakagāma.-A village near Vesāli; it was the birthplace of
Sudinna (Vin.iii.11). Buddhaghosa (Sp.i.202) says the name was given because
of the squirrels who lived there.
- Kalandakanivāpa
- Kalandakaputta.-See Sudinna. Kalanda or Kalandaka was the name, not
of his father, but of his village. Sp.i.202.
- Kalanda-Vihāra
- Kalanduka Jātaka (Nr.127)
- Kalanduka.-A servant of the Treasurer of Benares (Bārānasī-setthi).
See Kalanduka Jātaka.
- Kālapabbata
- Kālapāsāna(-pāsāda)-parivena
- Kālapāsāna.-A tank in Ceylon; one of sixteen tanks built by König
Nabāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.49.
- Kālapilla.-A locality in Rohana in Ceylon. There the troops of
Parakkamabāhu I. defeated those of Gajabāhu. Cv.lxx.325.
- Kalāra Sutta
- Kālārajanaka
- Kalārakhattiya Vagga.-The fourth chapter of the Nidāna Samyutta.
- Kalārakkhattiya.-A monk. He visits Sāriputta und tells him of
Moliya-Phagguna's secession from the Order. The account of the incident is
included in the Kalāra Sutta (q.v.).
- Kalāramatthuka
- Kālasela.-A statue of the Buddha. See
- Kālasena
- Kalasigāma.-The birthplace of Milinda in the Island of Alasandā (or
Alexandria) in the Indus (Mil.83). Rhys Davids (Milinda Questions, i.,
p.xxiii) thinks that the name is identical mit that of the Greek settlement
- Kālasilā
- Kālāsoka
- Kālasumana.-Thera. One of those responsible for preserving the
Vinaya in Ceylon after the death of Mahinda. Vin.v.3; Sp.i.104.
- Kālasutta.-One of the principal hells (J.v.266, 267, 268). Beings
born there are placed on a floor of heated iron, marked mit a black thread
made red hot, und then cut into pieces along the markings (J.v.270).
- Kālatinduka Vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon. Ras.ii.165.
- Kālatittha.-A locality in Rohana. There Vikkamapandu had his seat
of government (Cv.lvi.12). It is identified mit the modern Kalutara, at the
mouth of the Kaluganga.
- Kālāvaka.-The tribe of ordinary elephants, each one of which
possesses the strength of ten men. MA.i.263; UdA.403; VibhA.397; BuA.37, etc.
- Kālavalli.-A tank repaired by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxiz.36.
- Kālavallimandapa.-A vihāra in Ceylon, the residence of the Elder
Mahānāga (DA.i.190, 191; SnA.i.56; VbhA.352, 353; J.iv.490; MT.606). It was
near the village Nakulanagara (DhsA.339) und was situated in Rohana
- Kālavela
- Kālavilangika.-See Mahā
- Kalāyamutthi Jātaka (Nr.176)
- Kālāyanakannika.-A locality in Rohana. There Mahādāthika Mahānāga
built two vihāras, Manināgapabbata und Kalanda. Mhv.xxxiv.89; MT.637.
- Kālī
- Kāli Sutta
- Kālī Sutta.-Kālī Kururaghara visits Mahā-Kaccāna und asks him for a
detailed exposition of one of the stanzas in the Kumāripañhas. (The stanza
occurs at S.i.126). Mahā-Kaccāna explains, und his explanation deals mit the
ten kasinas. A.v.46f
- Kāli.-A tank in Ceylon, built by König Vasabha (Mhv.xxxv.95). It was
among those repaired by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.45.
- Kāligodhā
- Kāligotamī.-See
Gotamī (1).
- Kālikā.-See Kālī (9).
- Kalikāla.-A Damila chieftain, conquered by Lankāpura.
- Kalikāla-sāhicca-sabbaññupandita.-A honorific ("all-knowing scholar
of the Dark Age") given to Parakkamabāhu II. on account of his vast erudition.
- Kālikarakkhiya.-An ancient sage erwähnt in a list of sages,
together mit Samudda, Bharata, Angīrasa, Kassapa, Kisavaccha und Akitti.
- Kalimbha Thera (Kalimma).-One of the monks who lived in the
Kūtāgārasālā in Vesālī. Finding that the peace of the Mahāvana was being
disturbed by the Licchavis who came to see the Buddha, he, mit the other
monks, went to Gosingasālavana. A.v.133f.
- Kālindī.-A channel in the irrigation system of Parakkamabāhu I.,
flowing southward from the Manihīra tank. Cv.lxxix.54.
- Kālinga, Kalinga
- Kālinga-bhāradvāja.-The chaplain of König Kālinga. See the
Kālingabodhi Jātaka. He was the Bodhisatta, und is sometimes called
Kālinga-brāhmana (z.B., J.iv.235).
- Kālingabodhi Jātaka (Nr.479)
- Kalingara Sutta
- Kālingārañña.-See Kālinga (2).
- Kallagāma.-A village in Ceylon. In the village was the
Mandālārāmaka-vihāra (q.v.). AA.i.22, 52.
- Kallakālena.-A monastery in Ceylon, built by Saddhātissa.
- Kallakavelāra.-A Damila chief, brother of Tondamāna's wife. He was
slain by Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvii.40, 50.
- Kallaka-vihāra.-A monastery in Ceylon, near Bhokkantagāma. There
Sumanā, wife of Lakuntaka Atimbam, heard the preaching of the āsīvisopama
Sutta und became an arahant. DhA.iv.51.
- Kallara.-A district in South India. Cv.lxxvi.246, 259.
- Kallavā Sutta.-Of those who meditate some are clever in
concentration but are not fully expert in meditation, some are the reverse,
some have neither quality, while others have both. S.iii.265.
- Kallavāla, Kanavālamutta
- Kallita Sutta.-A man may be skilled in ease in concentration, but
not in the range thereof, nor in resolve, zeal, perseverance, or profit.
- Kāludāyī Thera
- Kālūla.-A monastery in Ceylon. Aggabodhi VIII, gave a village for
its maintenance. Cv.xlix.47.
- Kālūpakāla.-The name of the warders in charge of a hell bearing the
same name. They smite their victims mit arrows und spears.
- Kālussa.-A village given by Udaya I, to the Nīlārāma (Cv.xlix.16).
- Kalyāna (Kalyānaka).-A König of the Mahāsammata race. He was the son
of Vararoja und one of the ancestors of the Sākyans. His son was Varakalyāna.
DA.i.258; SnA.i.352; J.ii.311; iii.464; Mhv.ii.2; Dpv.iii.4; Mtu.i.345.
- Kalyānabhatta-tissa.-See
- Kalyāna-dhamma Jātaka (Nr.171)
- Kalyāna-dhamma Vagga.-The third chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the
Jātaka. J.ii.63-86.
- Kalyānamitta Sutta
- Kalyānamitta Vagga.-The eighth chapter of the Eka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.14f.
- Kalyānavatī
- Kalyānī
- Kalyānī Sutta.-No beautiful woman (janapadakalyānī) can
persistently possess the heart of a man who is fond of gain, favours, und
flattery. S.ii.235.
- Kalyāni-(Kalyānika)-vihāra
- Kalyāni-Cetiya
- Kalyanigāma.-A village, probably in or near Kalyānī; it was the
residence of Mahātissa Thera. SnA.i.6.
- Kalyānippakarana.-A record of the famous Kalyāni inscriptions set
up near Pegu by Dhammaceti, giving details of the consecration of the
Kalyānisīmā in Pegu by the monks who received their ordination at the
Kalyāni-vihāra in Ceylon. Bode, 23, 38f.; P.L.C.257f.
- Kalyāni-Tissa.-A König of Kalyānī, father of
Vihāramahādevī (Mhv.xxii.12ff). He was great-grandson of Mutasīva und
grandson of Uttiya. His younger brother was called Ayya-Uttiya (MT.431).