Pali Proper Names
Sāma Jātaka (Nr. 540)
- Samacitta Vagga. The fourth chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.61 9.
Samacitta(pariyāya) Sutta
- Samādapaka Thera. An arahant. Ninety one kappas ago he was leader
of a guild in Bandhumatī, und he und his colleagues built a court yard (mālā)
for Vipassī Buddha und his monks. Fifty nine kappas ago he was a König, named
Āveyya. Ap.i.185.
- Samādapetabba Sutta. The Buddha tells Ananda of three particulars
regarding which advice should be given to one's loved ones on unwavering
loyalty to the Buddha, the Dhamma, und the Sangha. The results of such loyalty
are unchanging. A.i.222.
- Samādhi Samyutta. Another name for the Jhāna Samyutta. S.iii.263
Samādhi Sutta
- Samādhi Vagga. The first chapter of the Sacca Samyutta. S.v.414 20.
- Samādhisamāpatti Sutta. Of the four persons who practise
meditation, he who is skilled both in concentration und in the fruits thereof
is the best, just as the straining is of ghee are the best part of milk.
- Sāmagalla. A village in Ceylon (Mhv.xxxiii.52 f). At the time of
the compilation of the Mahāvamsa Tīkā (MT. 616), it was called Moragalla. Its
full name was Mātuvelanga Sāmagalla. It was in the Malaya country, und
Vattagāmanī Abhaya lived there during a part of his exile in the house of
- Samagga 1.
One hundert und fifteen kappas ago there were eight kings of this name,
previous births of Khandasumana Thera. v.l. Pamatta. ThagA.i.258.
- Samagga 2.
A mountain near Himavā. v.l. Samanga below. ThagA.i.258; Ap.ii.437.
- Samajīvī Sutta. The Buddha visits the house of Nakulapitā, while
staying in the Bhesakalāvana on Sumsumāragiri. Both Nakulapitā und his wife
declare their faithfulness to each other und their desire to be husband und
wife in subsequent births. That, says the Buddha, is possible if they are
matched in faith, virtue, generosity und wisdom. A.ii.61f.
- Samālā. One of the two chief women disciples of Vessabhū Buddha.
Bu.xxii.24; J.i.42.
- Samalankata. A König of seventy kappas ago, a previous birth of
Supāricariya Thera. Ap.i.181.
Samana Sutta
- Samana Vagga. The ninth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the
Anguttara. A.i.229 39.
- Samanā, Samanī. The eldest of the seven daughters of König Kikī. She
was Khemā in the present age.; Ap.ii.546; ThigA.18, etc.
- Samānā. A class of Devas present at the preaching of the Mahāsamaya
Sutta. D.ii.260.
- Samana. One of the chief lay supporters of Kakusandha Buddha.
Samanabrāhmana Sutta
- Samanabrāhmana Vagga. The eighth chapter of the Nidāna Samyutta.
- Samanagāma.-A village in Ceylon. Ras.ii.11.
- Samanaguttā. The second of the seven daughters of Kikī, König of
Benares. She was Uppalavannā in the present age. Ap.ii.546; cf.
- Samanaguttaka. A bandit, employed by the heretics to kill
Moggallāna Thera. See the
Sarabhaṅga Jātaka. J.v.126.
- Samanakolañña. A König of Kālinga. He was a Cakka-vatti, but when he
was riding his elephant through the air, he could not pass over the spot where
the bodhi tree was (Mil. p. 256). The reference is evidently to the story in
Kālingabodhi Jātaka, but there
the König's name is not given. J.iv.232f.
Samanamandikā Sutta
- Samanamandikāputta. A name for the
Paribbājaka Uggāhamāna.
- Samanasaññā Vagga. The eleventh chapter of the Dasaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.v.210ff.
- Sāmañcakāni. See Sāmandakāni.
- Sāmandaka
or Sāmañcakāni Samyutta. The thirty ninth section of the Samyutta
Nikāya. S.iv.261f.
Sāmandaka, Sāmandakāni, Sāmañcakāni
- Sāmanera Sutta, Sāmaneriya Sutta. On two novices, a man und a
woman, who were born as petas because of their evil deeds in der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha. Moggallāna saw them as he descended Gijjhakūta. S.ii.261.
- Samanga 1.
The constant attendant of Tissa Buddha. Bu.xviii.21; BuA (p. 191) calls
him Samata.
- Samanga 2.
See Samagga above.
- Samangī. The wife of Sobhita Buddha before his renunciation
(Bu.vii.18). The Buddhavamsa Commentary calls her Makhiladevī. BuA.137.
Sāmaññaphala Sutta
- Sāmañña Sutta. Few are they who reverence recluses, many they who
do not. S.v.468.
Sāmaññakāni Thera
- Samantabhadda. Five kappas ago there were thirteen kings of this
name, previous births of Uttiya (Padapūjaka) Thera. v.l.Samantagandha.
ThagA.i.125; Ap.i.142.
- Samantabhadraka. The name of a book. Probably a wrong reading. See
SNA.i.21, 25.
- Samantacakkhu 1.
A König of seven kappas ago, a previous birth of Devasabha (Bandhujīvaka)
Thera. ThagA.i.204; Ap.i.176.
- Samantacakkhu 2.-A König of fifty fünf kappas ago, a previous birth
of Aranadīpaka Thera. Ap.i.231.
- Samantacchadana. A König of fifty fünf kappas ago, a previous birth
of Ummāpupphiya Thera. Ap.i.258.
- Samantadharana.-A König of eighty seven kappas ago, a former birth
of Pupphadhāraka Thera. Ap.i.244.
- Samantagandha. Five kappas ago there were thirteen kings of this
name, previous births of Padapūjaka Thera. v.l.Samantabhadda. Ap.i.142.
- Samantagiri.-See Samantakūta below.
Samantakūta, Samantagiri, Sumanakūta, Sumanagiri, Sumanācala
- Samantakūtavannanā. A Pāli poem, of about eight hundert verses,
written in the thirteenth century by Vedeha Thera, at the request of Rāhula, a
monk. It contains a description of Samantakūta und the stories connected mit
it. P.L.C. 223f.
- Samantamalla. A Malaya chief In der Zeit von Parakkamabāhu I.
Cv.lxx.26, 28.
- Samantanemi. Seventy three kappas ago there were thirteen kings of
this name, previous births of Asanabodhiya Thera. Ap.i.111.
- Samantāodana. See Odana ??.
- Samantapāsādika 1.
Thirty three kappas ago there were thirteen kings of this name, previous
births of Tipupphiya Thera. Ap.i.136.
- Samantapāsādika 2.
Seventy eight kappas ago there were sixteen kings of this name, previous
births of Hatthidāyaka Thera. Ap.i.208.
- Samantapāsādikā
- Samantavaruna. Twenty seven kappas ago there were four kings of
this name, previous births of Ādhāradāyaka Thera. Ap.i.207.
- Samanupassanā Sutta. On how thoughts of self lead to ignorance und
to varying views. S.iii.46.
- Samanupatthāka. Twenty three kappas ago there were four kings of
this name, previous births of Buddhūpatthāyaka Thera. Ap.i.242.
- Samāpatti Vagga. The fifteenth chapter of the Duka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.94f.
- Samasīsakathā. The seventh chapter of the Paññāvagga of the
Patisambhidā-Magga. Ps.ii.230 32.
- Samata. See Samanga 1 above.
- Samatha Sutta. A monk should practise introspection as to whether
he has won insight of the higher und insight into the dhamma, und also peace
of heart. Then he must put forth special effort to acquire what he has not
won, und he must obtain his requisites in such a way that unprofitable states
wane in him und profitable states increase. A.v.98ff.
- Samathakkhandhaka. The fourth section of the Cullavagga of the
Vinaya. Vin.ii.73 104.
Samavāsa Suttā
- Samavattakkhandha. The son of
Vipassī Buddha in his last lay life. His Mutter was Sutanā. Bu.xx.25, etc.
Samaya Sutta
- Samayappavādaka. A descriptive epithet of the Mallikārāma in
Sāvatthi. It was so called because teachers of diverse views used to meet
there und state their opinions (attano attano samayam pavadanti). MA.ii.710;
- Samayavimutti Sutta. Five things that lead to the falling away of a
monk who is temporarily released. A.iii.173.
- Sambandhacintā. A work of the twelfth century by Sangharakkhita. It
is a grammatical treatise dealing mit the Pāli verb und its use in syntax,
together mit a description of the six kārakas used mit the verb in the
sentence (P.L.C.199). Abhaya Thera of Pagan wrote a tīkā on it. Bode, op.
cit., 22.
- Sambandhamālinī. A grammatical work by an author of Pagan. Bode,
op. cit., 29.
- Sambara Sutta. See "Isayo
Samuddakā Sutta."
Sambhava Jātaka (Nr. 515)
- Sambhiya. See Sabhiya (1).
- Sambodha Vagga. The first chapter of the Navaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.iv.351 466.
- Sambodhena Sutta. The Buddha explains how it was only after his
Enlightenment that he could understand the satisfaction und the misery und the
way of escape from the eye, ear, etc. S.iv.6f.
- Sambodhi Sutta. Conditions that should be developed in order to get
awakening good friends, virtue, helpful talk, strenuous purpose, wisdom.
- Sambodhi Vagga. The eleventh chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. A.i.258 65.
- Sambojjhanga Sutta. A definition of the seven bojjhangas. S.iv.367.
- Sambuddha Sutta. On the difference between the Tathāgata who is a
fully enlightened one und a monk who is freed by insight. S.iii.65 f.
Sambula Jātaka (Nr. 519)
Sambula Kaccāna Thera
- Sambulā. Queen of Sotthisena. See the
Sambula Jātaka.
Sāmidatta Thera
Samiddhi Jātaka (Nr.167)
Samiddhi Sutta
- Samīrukkhatittha. A ford in the Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxii.9, 33.
- Sāmisantosuyyāna. A Park laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.12.
- Samita. A König of fourteen kappas ago, a previous birth of
Buddhasaññaka (Meghiya) Thera. Ap.i.152; ThagA.i.150.
- Samitanandana. A König of fifty kappas ago, a previous birth of
Yūthikapupphiya Thera. Ap.i.202.
Samitigutta Thera
Sammāditthi Sutta
Sammāparibbājaniya Sutta
- Sammappadhāna Samyutta. The forty ninth section of the Samyutta
Nikāya. S.v.244 8.
- Sammappadhāna Sutta 1.
The four sammappadhānas this is the path leading to the "Uncompounded."
- Sammappadhāna Sutta 2.
Details of the four sammappadhānas. S.iv.364.
- Sammappadhāna Vagga. The eighth chapter of the Navaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikiya. A.iv.462f.
- Sammasā Sutta. A detailed description of the "inward handling."
- Sammāsambuddha Sutta. It is by knowledge of the Four Ariyan Truths
that a Tathāgata becomes a fully Awakened One. S.v.433.
- Sammata. See Sammitā.
- Sammillabhāsinī. Der Name von Rāhulamātā im
Ananusociya Jātaka.
Sammitī, Sammatiyā
- Sammoda-kumāra. See Pakkha.
Sammodamāna Jātaka (Nr. 33)
- Sammohavināsinī. A tīkā on the Kaccāyanasāra, by Saddhammavilāsa of
Pagan. Bode, op. cit., 37.
- Sammohavinodanī. A Commentary on the Vibhangapakarana by
Buddhaghosa. Sad. p. 58.
Sammuñjanī Thera
- Samogadha. A König of fifty fünf kappas ago, a previous birth of
Taraniya Thera. Ap.i.238.
- Samotthata. Seven kappas ago there were seven kings of this name,
all previous births of Sanghupatthāka Thera. Ap.i.191.
Sampadā Sutta
Sampasādaka Thera
Sampasādanīya Sutta
- Samphala. See Sambala.
- Samphassa Sutta 1.
Because of diversity in elements arises diversity of contact. S.ii.140.
- Samphassa Sutta 2.
The Buddha makes Rāhula realize that sense contact is fleeting. S.ii.246.
- Samphusita. A König of three kappas ago, a previous birth of
Tambapupphiya Thera. Ap.i.176.
- Sampunnamukha. See Punnamukha.
- Samsāramocakā. A class of micchādittkikas. z.B., PvA.67.
- Samsāraphala. A park in Ceylon, laid out by Parakkamabāhu I.
- Samsaya. A divine musician or a musical instrument. VvA.93, 372.
- Samuccaya khandha. The third chapter of the Culla Vagga of the
Vinaya Pitaka. Vin.ii.38 72.
- Samudaya Sutta. The puthujjanas do not know the arising und going
out of body, feelings, etc. S.iii.82, 174.
Samudayadhamma Sutta
- Samuddā 1.
One of the two chief women disciples of Konāgamana Buddha. J.i.431;
- Samudda 1.
See Sundara samudda.
- Samudda 2.
A sage of long ago.
- Samuddā 2.
An eminent Therī of Ceylon. Dpv.xviii.28.
- Samudda 3.
One of the chief lay patrons of Siddhattha Buddha. Bu.xvii.20.
Samudda Jātaka (Nr. 296)
Samudda Sutta
- Samudda Vagga. The sixteenth chapter of the Salāyatana Samyutta.
S.iv.157 72.
- Samudda vihāra. A vihāra built by Mahādāthika Mahānāga
(Mhv.xxxiv.90), but a monk, called Mahānāga, is said to have lived in the
Samudda vihāra In der Zeit von Dutthagāmanī (MT. 606). Probably Mahādāthika
only restored it.
- Samuddagiri vihāra. A vihāra in Sunāparanta, where Punna lived for
some time. The cloister (cankamana) there was surrounded by magnetic rocks,
und no one could walk in it. MA.ii.1015; SA.iii.15.
- Samuddagiriparivena. A building in the Mahāvihāra erected by
Kassapa IV., und given over to the Pamsukulikas. Cv.lii.21.
- Samuddajā. Mutter of Bhūridatta. See the
Bhūridatta Jātaka.
- Samuddakappa. A König of fourteen kappas ago; a former birth of
Bandhujīvaka Thera. Ap.i.192.
- Samuddanavā. A princess, who later became an eminent Therī in
Ceylon. Dpv.xviii.34.
- Samuddapannkasālā. A hall, erected on the spot from where
Devānampiyatissa saw the Bodhi tree approaching on the ocean (Mhv.xix.26f). It
was on the road from Anurādhapura to Jambukola. MT. 403.
Samuddavānija Jātaka (Nr. 466)
- Samuddavijayā. Queen of Bharata, ruler of Roruva. See the
Aditta Jātaka. She is identified mit Rāhulamātā. J.iii.474.
- Samuddhara. A König of sixty seven kappas ago, a previous birth of
Yūthikapupphiya Thera. Ap.i.184.
- Sāmugāma. A village gifted by Aggabodhi III. to the padhānaghara,
called Mahallarāja. Cv.xliv.120.
Samugga Jātaka (Nr. 436)
- Samuggata. Fifty tausend kappas ago there were seven kings of this
name, all previous births of Sobhita (Rakkhita) Thera. Ap.i.164; ThagA.i.173.
- Samujjavasālā. A building in Anurādhapura. The clay from under the
northern steps of the building was used for the construction of utensils used
in the coronation festival of the kings of Ceylon. MT. 307.
- Samvannanānayadīpanī. A grammatical work by Jambudhaja Thera of
Pagan. Bode, op cit., 55.
Samvara Jātaka (Nr. 462)
- Samvara Sutta. On the four efforts: to restrain, abandon, make
become und watch over. A.ii.6.
- Samvasita. A König of zwanzig eight kappas ago, a former birth of
Gandhodaka Thera. Ap.i.106.
- Samvejanīya Sutta
- Samvutta Sutta. The three spheres - kāma, rūpa, arūpa - must be
given up und three kinds of training must be developed: greater virtue
(adhisīla), greater thought, greater insight. A.iv.444.
- Samyama. A König of Benares, erwähnt in the Mahāhamsa Jātaka.
Khemā was his chief consort. He is identified mit Sāriputta. J.v.354, 382.
- Samyoga Sutta. Wie Mann und Frau sich durch sexuelle Begierde
aneinander ketten A.v.57.
- Samyojana Sutta. Über die zehn Fesseln (samyojanas).
Samyutta Nikāya, Samyuttāgama