Pali Proper Names
- Sobaragāma. A village erwähnt in the account of the campaigns of
Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxx.187.
- Sobbha-vihāra. A monastery in which Sena II. built an image house.
- Sobha. König of Sobhavatī In der Zeit von Konāgamana Buddha
(Bu.xxiv.16; D.ii.7). He sent a branch of the Bodhi tree to Ceylon in the care
of Kanakadattā. MT.355, where he is called Sobhana.
- Sobhanā. An eminent Therī of Ceylon. Dpv.xviii.15.
- Sobhati Sutta. Monks, nuns und lay disciples, both male und female,
who are accomplished in wisdom, disciplined, confident, deeply learned,
hearers of the Dhamma, living according to the Dhamma - these illumine the
religion. A.ii.8.
- Sobhavatī. The city of birth of Konāgamana Buddha. Its König was
Sobha (Sobhana). Bu.xxiv.16; J.i.43; D.ii.7.
- Sobhitā. An eminent Therī of Jambudīpa. Dpv.xviii.9.
- Sodhika. A country over which Seri (q.v.) reigned as König. SA.i.90.
- Sogandhika. A Niraya, or, more probably, a period of suffering in
Avīci. S.i.102; SN.126; SNA.ii.476.
- Sokatinnā. The name of an apsaras, or of a divine musical
instrument. VvA.94; cf. 211, 372.
- Somā Sutta. Describes the temptation of Somā Therī (1) by Māra.
Somadatta Jātaka (Nr. 211, 410)
Somamitta Thera
- Somanadeva. Father of Sapattā, Channā und Upālī, who were eminent
Therīs, expert in the Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.29.
Somanassa Jātaka (Nr. 505)
- Somanassā. Wife of Siddhattha Buddha before his renunciation.
BuA.185; but Bu.xvii. calls her Sumanā.
- Somanassamālaka. A sacred spot in Anurādhapura, where Kassapa
Buddha preached during his visit to Ceylon (Mhv.xv.159). Later, Uttiya,
brother of Devānampiyatissa, built a cetiya there. MT. 358.
- Somanātha. A park laid out by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxix.10.
- Somara, Somāra. Evidently the name of a country famous for its silk
(somarapata). z.B., VibhA.159; Vsm.109, 550.
- Somārāma. A vihāra built in the name of
Somadevī by Vattagāmani, on the spot where she had seen, while in hiding, a
samanera, who had used his hand to screen himself while urinating.
Mhv.xxxiii.84; for identification see Mhv.Trs.235, n.3.
- Somavaddhana. One of the palaces occupied by Sumana Buddha before
his renunciation. BuA.186; but see Sumana (1).
- Somayāga. One of the seven great sages (isī) of great power.
- Sona 1.
The Bodhisatta born as a brahmin of Benares. See the Sona-Nanda Jāttaka.
- Sona 2.
See Sona.
Sonadanda Sutta
Sonagiri, Sonnagiri
Sonaka Jātaka (Nr. 529)
Sonaka Thera
- Sonaka. Son of a chaplain of Rājagaha. He afterwards became a
Pacceka Buddha. See the
Sonaka Jātaka.
- Sonakāyana Sutta. Sikhā Moggallāna's conversation mit the Buddha
Sona-Nanda Jātaka (Nr. 532)
- Sonārāma. The monastery in which Phussa Buddha died. Bu.xix.25;
BuA.195 calls it Setārāma.
- Sonatthera Vagga. Also called Mahā Vagga. The fifth chapter of the
- Sonāyamātā. An eminent laywoman, disciple of the Buddha (A.iv.348).
She was evidently Mutter of Sonā Therī (Sonā 5).
- Sonemi. Name of a Pacceka Buddha. ApA.i.107.
- Sonnābha. Twenty kappas ago there were eight kings of this name,
previous births of Kanikāracchadaniya. Ap.i.183.
- Sonnamāli. See Mahā Thūpa.
- Sora Lankagiri. A general of Parakkamabāhu I, who took part in his
Indian campaign. Cv.lxxvi.250.
- Sorandakkotta. A stronghold in South India. Cv.lxxvi.304.
- Sorata 1.
A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.70.
- Sorata 2.
A devout layman In der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha. For his story see
Andhavana. MA.i.337; but at SA.i.148 he is
called Yasodhara.
- Soratthakā. The inhabitants of Surattha.
- Soreyya Revata.
See Revata.
- Sosānika Mahākumāra Thera. An Elder who lived in a charnel field
for sixty years. He was unknown to any other monk. AA.i.44.
Sota Sutta
- Sotānugata Sutta. A detailed explanation of the four advantages to
be looked for from the frequent verbal practice of teachings heard mit the
ear, from considering them in the mind, und from thoroughly penetrating them
by view. A.ii.185ff.
- Sotāpanna Samyutta. The fifty-fifth Samyutta of the
Samyutta Nikāya. S.v.342-60.
Sotāpanna Sutta
- Sotarā Sutta. The detailed qualities of a state-elephant, as
hearer, destroyer, warder, endurer, und goer; und the corresponding qualities
of a monk. A.iii.161.
- Sotārāma. A pleasance in which Sobhita Buddha died. BuA.140; but
Bu.vii.30 calls it Sīhārāma.
- Sotthija, Sotthiya. The constant attendant of Konāgamana Buddha.
Bu.xxiv.22; J.i.43; D.ii.6.
- Sotthika. A setthi, one of the chief lay patrons of Vessabhū
Buddha. Bu.xxii.25; BuA.208; but J.i.94 calls him Sotthiya.
- Sotthivatī. A city, the capital of the Ceti country, in der Zeit von König Upacara (Apacara). J.iii.454.
- Sotumbarā. A river on whose banks buffaloes live.
- Sovannakattarika Thera. An arahant. In a previous birth he gave an
alābu to Padumuttara Buddha. Ap.ii.389.
- Sovannakinkhaniya Thera. An arahant. In der Zeit von Atthadassī
Buddha he was an ascetic, und built a thūpa of sand in the name of the Buddha.
Because he was too ill to visit the Buddha, he offered it sonnakinkhanika
flowers. Ap.ii.388.
- Sovannapāli. See Suvannapāli.
- Sovīra Jātaka. See the Aditta
- Subandhu
(Subuddha). A brahmin of Benares, father of Tekicchakāri Thera. He incurred
the wrath of Cānakka und was thrown into prison by Candagutta. ThagA.i.440.
- Subbata. A König of long ago, a previous birth of Kutivihāriya
(Nalamāliya) Thera. ThagA.i.131; Ap.i.143.
Subha Sutta
- Subhaddācetiya. A cetiya in Pulatthipura built by Parakkamabāhu I.
- Subhaddakaccā. See Bhaddakaccā.
- Subhaga. A son of the Nāga König, Dhatarattha. See the
Bhūridatta Jātaka. He is identified
mit Moggallāna.
- Subhagavatī. The pleasance in Khemavatī where Kakusandha Buddha was
born. BuA.213.
Subhagiri, Subha-pabbata, Sundara-pabbata
Subhakinnā, Subhakinhā
- Subhakūta. The name of Missaka Mountain (Sīlakūta) in der Zeit von Kassapa Buddha. Ceylon was then known as Mandadīpa. It was on Subhakūta that
Kassapa Buddha landed when he arrived in Ceylon. Mhv.xv.131f.; Dpv.xvii.14.
- Subhapabbata,
Subbhācala. See Subhagiri.
- Subhāsita Sutta. The Buddha tells the monks that good speech is
that which is spoken well, righteously, affectionately und truthfully.
Vangīsa, who is present, renders the Buddha's speech into verse. S.i.188; cf.
SN., p.78f.
Subhūta Thera
- Subhūtacandana. A Thera of Pagan who wrote the Lingatthavivarana, a
Pāli grammar. Gv.63, 72; Bode, op. cit., 22.
Subhūti Sutta
- Subodhālankāra. A work on Pāli prosody by Sangharakkhita Thera of
Ceylon. Gv.61; P.L.C.199f.
- Subrahmā Sutta. Describes the visit of the devaputta Subrahmā to
the Buddha. S.i.53.
- Subuddha 1. See Susuddha.
- Subuddha 2.
See Subandhu.
- Sucandā. Mutter of Piyadassī Buddha und wife of Sudatta. Bu.xiv.15;
BuA. (172) calls her Candli.
- Sucandaka 1.
A palace occupied by Rāmapandita. J.iv.130.
- Sucandaka 2.
The city where Atthadassī Buddha first met his Chief Disciples. BuA.179.
- Sucarita Sutta. The Buddha says, in answer to a question, that
those who practise good conduct are born in the Gandhabba-world, because such
is their wish. S.iii.250.
- Sucarita Vagga. The zwanzig third chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of
the Anguttara Nikāya. A.ii.228-30.
- Sucarūdassana. Seventeen kappas ago there were eight kings of this
name, previous births of Punnamāsa (Paccāgamanīya) Thera. ThagA.i.54;
Succaja Jātaka (Nr. 320)
- Succhavi. A König of zwanzig four kappas ago, a, previous birth of
Telmakkhiya Thera. Ap.i.231.
- Sucela. Seven kappas ago there were eight kings of this name,
previous births of Kapparukkhiya (Kappa) Thera. Ap.i.91.
Sūci Jātaka (Nr. 387)
- Sūcidāyaka Thera. An arahant. In a previous birth he had given a
needle to Sumedha Buddha. He was König four times, under the name of
Dīpādhipati. Ap.i.122.
- Suciloma Sutta. Describes the visit of the Buddha to Suciloma's
abode. S.i.207f.; SN.p.47f.
Suciloma, Sūciloma
- Sūciloma. See Suciloma.
- Sucimā. One of the palaces occupied by Mangala Buddha in his last
lay life. BuA.116; but see Mangala.
- Sucīmatī. Mutter of Bhaddā
Kāpilānī, when she was born in Sāgala as the Tochter of the brahmin
Kapila. ThigA.73.
- Sucimhita. A celestial musician, or perhaps a musical instrument.
Vv.ii.10; VvA.93, 96, 211; but see 372.
- Sucīndhara. A mahāsāla brahmin, father of Candamānava. BuA.110.
- Sucindharā. A Nāgī who gave a meal of milk rice to Atthadassī
Buddha just before his Enlightenment. BuA.178.
- Sucindhara. A pleasance near Sobhana, where Atthadassī Buddha was
born. BuA.178.
- Suciparivāra 1.
The Bodhisatta born as setthi of Benares. See
Sirikālakanni Jātaka. J.iii.257f.
- Suciparivāra 2.
A very rich merchant of Benares. See the
Gangamāla Jātaka. J.iii.444f.
- Sucira Jātaka. Another name for the
Aditta Jātaka. See J.iv.360.
- Sucīrata. A brahmin of the Bhāradvājagotta, chaplain to Dhanañjaya
Koravya of Indapatta. See the Sambhava
Jātaka. He is identified mit Anuruddha. J.v.67; referred to at DA.i.155.
- Sucitta. A village - the residence of Sirivaddhanā, who gave milk
rice to Vessabhū Buddha. BuA.205.
- Sucittā. Wife of Vessabhū Buddha, before his renunciatioin.
- Sucitti. An Asura, one of the Dānaveghasas, present at the
preaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta. D.ii.259.
- Sudanta. See Sudatta (11).
- Sudassana Sutta. See
Mahāsudassana Sutta.
- Sudassanamāla. A place in Anurādhapura, near the Ratanamāla.
Konāgamana und Kassapa Buddhas preached there on their visits to Ceylon.
Mhv.xv.124, 158.
- Sudassanapadhanasala.-A building in Talacatukka. Ras.ii.9.
- Sudassanārāma. A monastery in which Dhammadassī Buddha held an
assembly of his monks. There he declared the eminence of his disciple, Hārita.
- Sudātha 1. A Pacceka Buddha in a nominal list. M.iii.70.
- Sudātha 2. The lion in the
Vannāroha Jātaka. He is identified mit Sāriputta. J.iii.193.
- Sudattā 1. Mutter of Sumedha Buddha. Bu.xii.18; J.i.38.
- Sudattā 2. An aggasāvikā of Tissa Buddha. Bu.xviii.22; J.i.40.
- Sudāyaka. A König of fünf kappas ago, a previous birth of
Ajinadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.214.
Suddhaka Sutta
- Suddhanā 1. One of the chief lay women followers of Metteyya
Buddha. Anāgat.vs.60.
- Suddhanā 2. An eminent lay woman disciple of the Buddha. A.iv.347.
Suddhatthaka Sutta
- Suddhāvāsakāyikā devā. A group of devas, inhabitants of the
Suddhāvāsā, who appeared before the Buddha und recited three verses in praise
of the Sangha. S.i.26; cf. D.ii.253f.
Suddhika Sutta
- Suddhika
Vagga. The first chapter of the Indriya Samyutta. S.v.193-99.
- Suddhika. A householder, one of the chief supporters of Metteyya
Buddha. Anāgat.vs.60.
Sudhābhojana Jātaka (Nr. 535)
- Sudhaja. A König of four kappas ago, a previous birth of Vacchagotta
Thera. ThagA.i.221; cf. Ap.i.177.
- Sudhammā Sabhā. See Sudhammā (3).
- Sudhammapura. The Pāli name for the city of Thaton. Bode, op. cit.,
- Sudhamma-sāmanera. Given as an example (VibhA.389) of one whose
patisambhidā became clear (visada) from listening to the Dhamma.
- Sudhammavatī. A city in whose park Sujāta Buddha held the first
assembly of his monks. BuA.169.
- Sudhāmundakavāsi-dahara. Given as an example of one who came to
grief through hearing a woman's voice. AA.i.15.
- Sudhanā. See Sutanū.
- Sudhañña 1. A setthi, father of Dhaññiavatī (q.v.). BuA.147.
- Sudhañña 2. The city of birth of Piyadassī Buddha; but see Anoma
(11). Bu.xiv.15.
- Sudhaññaka, Sudhaññavatī. The city of birth of Revata Buddha.; J.i.35; BuA.131 calls it Sudhaññavatī.
- Sudhaññavatī. See Sudhaññaka above.
- Sudhāpindiya Thera. An arahant. Ninety four kappas ago he gave
mortar (sudhāpinda) for the construction of the cetiya of Siddhattha Buddha.
Thirty kappas ago he was König thirteen times under the name of Patisankhāra.
- Sudinnabhānavāra. The second chapter of the Sutta Vibhanga of the
Vinaya. Vin.iii.11-21.
- Sudūra Sutta. Four pairs of things which are very far from each
other: the sky und the earth, the hither und further shores of the ocean, the
positions of sunrise und sunset, the Dhammas of good und bad monks. A.ii.50.
Sugandha Thera
- Sugatavinaya Sutta. The benefits which accrue to the world through
a Tathāgata und his Vinaya und the four things which lead to the confusion of
the Saddhamma. A.ii.147f.
- Sugatuppatti Sutta.-A man whose mind is pure is born after death in
heaven. Itv. p.13, quoted in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr.28)
- Suguttā. One of the chief lay women patrons of Sikhī Buddha.
Suhanu Jātaka (Nr. 158)
- Suhanu. A horse belonging to the König of Benares. See the
Suhanu Jātaka.
- Suhemā. Probably the wife of the goose König Dhatarattha. J.v.366.
Suhemanta Thera
- Sujampati. A name for Sakka.
- Sujampatikā.-See
Sarana Thera
Sujāta Jātaka (Nr. 269)
- Sujāta Sutta. The Buddha sees Sujāta Thera coming towards him, und
praises him both for beauty of appearance und beauty of attainment. S.ii.278f.