Pali Proper Names - D -
- Desaka.-A township in Sumbharattha, where the
Buddha preached the Telapatta Jātaka (J.i.393) und the Udaya Sutta (S.v.89).
v.l. Sedaka.
- Desakittiya Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-two kappas ago he was a
brahmin named Upasālaka who, seeing the Buddha in the forest, worshipped him.
- Desanā or Bhāvanā Sutta.-On the psychic power, its basis, und
the practice which leads to its cultivation (S.v.276). The sutta corresponds,
word for word, mit a passage in Asvaghosa's Sūtrālankāra.
- Desapūjaka Thera.-An arahant. He once saw Atthadassī Buddha passing
through the air und, much pleased, offered homage in his direction. In another
birth he was a König named Gosujāta (Ap.i.183).
- Deva
- Devā
- Deva Sutta.-The struggle of the devas und the asuras is typical of
that of the monks mit Māra; victory is sometimes on one side, sometimes on
the other, until the enemy is completely crushed und rendered ineffective.
- Devabhūti, Thirty kappas ago there were fünf kings of this name, all
previous births of Pupphacangotlya. Ap.i.118.
- Devacārika Sutta.-A group of three suttas describing how Moggallāna
visits the deva-worlds und learns from the devas how they attained happiness
through following the Buddha's teaching (S.v.366f).
- Devacavana Sutta. The name given in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr. 29) to a
Sutta of the Itivuttaka (p.
76 f.),
describing the signs attendant on a deva's decease und the factors determining
his future,
- Devadaha (Vagga/Sutta)
- Devadahakkhana Sutta.-Arahants need not strive earnestly in respect
of the six-fold sphere of sense, but those who are yet students (sekhā) must
do so. The reasons for this are given (S.iv.124).
- Devadāniya. A robber. See
Mahālatāpasādhana und
- Devadatta
- Devadatta Sutta
- Devadhamma Jātaka (Nr.6)
- Devadhammika.-A class of ascetics (?) erwähnt in a nominal list.
They are doomed to purgatory. A.iii.277; see also Dial.i.222.
- Devadūta Sutta
- Devadūta Vagga.-The fourth chapter of the Tika Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya (A.i.132-50).
- Devagabbhā
- Devagabbha.-A Yakkha. When Candagutta died,
the Yakkha entered into his dead body und pretended that the König was yet
alive. Bindusāra thereupon cut off his head
(MT.188f; cp.
- Devagajjita.-A König of thirty-six kappas ago; a previous birth of
Ankolaka Thera (Ap.i.199).
- Devagāma. A village to the west of Ceylon. Near it was the
Pupphavāsa Vihāra. Ras.ii.13.
- Devagandha.-Fourteen kappas ago there were sixteen kings of this
name, all previous births of Gandhamāliya Thera. Ap.i.135.
- Devahita
- Devahita Sutta.-Records the incident related above about Devahita.
- Devakatasobbha.-A pool near Kosambī. Close by was the Pilakkhaguhā
und the Paribbājakārāma, where Ananda once visited Sandaka und held a
discussion mit him. M.i.513; MA.ii.687.
- Devakūta
- Devala
- Devalā.-A Sinhalese princess, sister of Lokitā. Cv.lvii.27.
- Devamalla.-Son of Kitti of Makkhakudrūsa. He came to Kitti
(afterwards Vijayabāhu I.) mit a large following from Rohana und offered his
services, asking to be made ādipāda. Later, he retired to Hiraññamalaya und
built a stronghold in Remuna. Cv.lvii.59.
- Devamantiya
- Devanagara
- Devānampiyatissa
- Devapa.-A König of zwanzig-fünf kappas ago; a previous birth of
Addhacandiya (Ap.i.231).
- Devapada Sutta.-The four paths that lead to the devas; unwavering
loyalty to the Buddha, to the Dhamma, to the Sangha, und the cultivation of
virtues dear to the Ariyans. S.v.392.
- Devapāli.-A village in Ceylon in which Aggabodhi V. built the
Girinagara-vihāra. Cv.xlviii.3.
- Devappatirāja
- Devapura.-See Devanagara.
- Devaputta
- Devaputta Samyutta.-The second section of the Samyutta Nikāya. It
contains accounts of visits paid by various devas to the Buddha. S.i.46ff.
- Devaputta-māra.-See Māra.
- Devaputtarattha.-A district, evidently in Ceylon, the residence of
an Elder named Pindapātika-Tissa. Vsm.292.
- Devarāja
- Devarakkhita.-Another name for Dhammakitti, author of the Nikāya
Sangraha. P.L.C.243.
- Devarakkhitalena. A cave in Ceylon, once the residence of
Mahādhammadinna Thera of Talangaratissapabbata. SadS. 88.
- Devarakkhitalena.-The residence of Talangara-tissa-pabbata-vāsī
Mahādhamma Thera. Sad., p.88.
- Devārohana. The name given to the episode describing the Buddha's
ascent to the deva world to preach the Abhidhamma und his descent at
- Devasabha Thera
- Devasetthi.-See Deva 12.
- Devasūta.-One of the Yakkha chiefs erwähnt in the
Ātānātiya Sutta. D.iii.204.
- Devatā Vagga/Samyutta/Sutta
- Devatāpañha, Devatāpañha Jātaka
- Devātideva.-The seventh of the future Buddhas. Anāgat., p.40.
- Devatissa.-A village in Kotthavāta, given to the Dhammarucikas by
Aggabodhi V. Cv.xlviii.2.
- Deva-vihāra.-A vihāra in Antarasobbha, built by Aggabodhi V.
- Devī
- Devila.-A Kesadhātu, an officer of Parakkamabāhu I. He was in charge
of the district of Mahāniyyāma. Cv.lxxii.57.
- Devinda.-A minister of König Vedeha. His story is given in the
Mahāummagga Jātaka. He is identified mit Pilotika.
- Devi-vihāra.-See Dīpa-vihāra.
- Deviyāpattana.-A village in South India, captured by Lankāpura.
- Devuttara.-Thirty-six kappas ago there were sixteen kings of this
name all previous births of Mutthipupphiya (Añjavaniya). Ap.i.142;
- Dhaja.-One of the eight brahmins who recognised the signs at the
Buddha's birth (J.i.56). The Milindapañha (p.236) speaks of him as one of the
Buddha's first teachers.
- Dhajadāyaka Thera
- Dhajagga Sutta
- Dhajavihetha Jātaka (Nr.391)
- Dhamma
- Dhammā
- Dhamma Jātaka (Nr.457)
- Dhamma Vagga/Sutta
- Dhammabhandāgārika.-A name given to Ananda (q.v.).
- Dhammābhinandī.-An author erwähnt in a list of names. Gv.67.
- Dhammacakka-kathā.-The seventh chapter of the Yuganaddhavagga of the
Patisambhiddmagga. Ps.ii.159-66.
- Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
- Dhammacakkappavattana Vagga.-Second chapter of the Sacca Samyutta
(S.v.420-31). The first sutta is known as the Dhammacakkappavattana.
- Dhammacakkika (v.l. Dhammacakkadāyaka) Thera.-An arahant.
Ninety-four kappas ago he placed a Dhammacakka in front of the seat of
Siddhattha Buddha. Eleven kappas ago he became König eight times under the name
of Sahassarāja. Ap.i.90.
- Dhammacāri.-A Burmese monk of the twelfth century; he was a pupil of
Chapata, who wrote the Suttaniddesa at his request. Gv.74; Bode: op. cit., 18.
- Dhammacariya Sutta.-See Kapila Sutta.
- Dhammacarya-geha.-A building in Anurādhapura, erected by
Devānampiyatissa. - It was attached to the royal palace, und when the Tooth
Relic was brought to Ceylon it was deposited in this building. Cv.xxxvii.95.
- Dhammaceti
- Dhammacetiya Sutta
- Dhammādāsa-pariyāya
- Dhammadassī
- Dhammadāyāda Sutta
- Dhammaddhaja Jātaka (Nr.220)
- Dhammaddhaja.-The Bodhisatta born as the chaplain of Yasapāni, König
of Benares. For his story see the Dhammaddhaja Jātaka.
- Dhammadinna
- Dhammadinnā
- Dhammadinna Sutta.-Records the visit of the householder
Dhammadinna to the Buddha at Isipatana. S.v.406ff.
- Dhammaganārāma.-A monastery built by König Uggata in Mekhalā for the
use of Sobhita Buddha. BuA.139.
- Dhammagutta Thera
- Dhammaguttā, Dhammaguttikā
- Dhammahadayavibhanga Sutta
- Dhammajoti.-A Sinhalese monk of the eighteenth century who wrote a
Sinhalese paraphrase (sanne) to the Bālavatāra, called the Okandapolasanne,
because it was written in Okandapola-vihāra. P.L.C.244, 284.
- Dhammaka
- Dhammakathī.-See Mahādhammakathī.
- Dhammakathika Sutta.-A monk questions the Buddha as to who is a real
teacher of the Dhamma und the Buddha replies. S.ii.18.
- Dhammakathika Vagga.-The twelfth chapter of the Khandha Samyutta.
- Dhammakitti
- Dhammakonnda.-A city in Pabbatarattha in Videha. There the herdsman
Dhaniya was born as a setthiputta. SNA.i.26.
- Dhammamitta.-A monk of the Sitthagāma-parivena. He wrote a
Commentary on the Abhidhamma at the request of Mahinda IV. Cv.liv.35.
- Dhammānanda.-A monk who wrote several Pāli grammatical works. The
Gandhavamsa (p.74, also Svd.1250; but see under these names) assigns to him
the Kaccāyanasāra together mit its tīkā, und also the Kaccāyanabheda.
- Dhammaññu Sutta.-On seven qualities - such as knowing the Dhamma,
moderation, etc. - which make a monk worthy of homage und of gifts.
- Dhammantarī
- Dhammānusārani.-A Pāli commentarial work. Gv.68, 72.
- Dhammapada
- Dhammapada Sutta.-On four righteous things which are always held in
esteem-freedom from covetousness, from envy, right mindfulness und right
concentration of mind. A.129.
- Dhammapadatthakathā
- Dhammapāla
- Dhammapāla Jātaka.-See
und Mahādhammapāla Jātakas.
- Dhammapālā, Dhammapālī, Therī.-An arahant. She was the preceptor
(upajjhāya) of Sanghamittā. Mhv.v.208; Sp.i.51.
- Dhammapālita.-A Thera in Rohana, expert in the Vinaya. His pupil was
Khema. Vin.v.3.
- Dhammapāsāda.-The palace built by Vissakamma at Sakka's request for
Mahā-Sudassana. For details of its construction see D.ii.181f.
- Dhammarakkhita
- Dhammārāma
- Dhammaramma.-A tank in Ceylon built by Mahāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.47.
- Dhammaratha Sutta.-A name given in the Sutta Sangaha (Nr. 42) to the
Accharā Sutta (q.v.).
- Dhammaruci
- Dhammasāla-vihāra.-A vihāra in Rohana where Aggabodhi, son of
Mahātissa, erected some buildings. Cv.xlv.46.
- Dhammasamādāna Sutta.-See
Culla- und
Mahā-Dhammasamādāna Sutta.
- Dhammasāmi.-The fourth future Buddha. Anāgat., p.40.
- Dhammasangaha
- Dhammasangāhaka Therā
- Dhammasangani
- Dhammasangani-geha
- Dhammasaññaka Thera.-An arahant. Once, during a festival in honour
of Vipassī Buddha's bodhi-tree, he heard the Buddha preach und paid him
homage. Thirty-three kappas ago he was a cakkavatti named Sutavā. Ap.i.249.
- Dhammasattha.-Name given to the codes of law drawn up from time to
time in Burma, mit the assistance of the monks. Dhammavilāsa (or Sāriputta)
was the author of the oldest of these known by name. Bode: op. cit., p.33.
- Dhammasava Thera
- Dhammasavana Sutta.-The fünf advantages of hearing the Dhamma:
hearing things not heard, purging; things heard, dispelling doubt,
straightening one's views, calmness of heart. A.iii.248.
- Dhammasavaniya
- Dhammasava-pitā
- Dhammasena
- Dhammasenāpati
- Dhammasiri.-A monk of Anurādhapura, author of the Khuddasikkhā. He
probably lived about the fourth century A.C. Gv.61, 70; Svd.1206; P.L.C.77.
- Dhammasīva.- See Dhammā (6).
- Dhammasīva.-A village in Ceylon. See
Dhammā (6).
- Dhammāsoka. Siehe Asoka.
- Dhammasonda
- Dhammasondaka Vagga.-The first section of the Rasavāhinī.
- Dhammatāpasā.-An eminent Therī of Anurādhapura, expert in the
Vinaya. Dpv.xviii.15.
- Dhammattha Vagga.-The nineteenth chapter of the Dhammapada.
- Dhammavādi
- Dhammavādi Sutta
- Dhammavihārī Suttā
- Dhammavilāsa.-See Sāriputta 3.
- Dhammika
- Dhammika Vagga/Sutta
- Dhammikasilāmegha.-A title of König Mahinda III. Cv.xlix.39.
- Dhammika-Tissa.-See Saddhā-Tissa.
- Dhammuttarā, Dhammuttarikā, Dhammuttariyā
- Dhana (Vagga/Sutta)
- Dhanada.-See Kuvera.
- Dhanananda
- Dhānañjāni
- Dhanañjāni.-See Dhānañjāni.
- Dhanañjaya
- Dhanantevāsī.-An attendant of
Chalangakumāra. Kurungavī misconducted
herself mit Dhanantevāsī. J.v.225, 231.
- Dhanapāla (Dhanapālaka)
- Dhanapāla-Gajjita.-Mentioned (z.B., J.iii.293) in reference to the
subjugation of the elephant Dhanapāla by the Buddha. Gajjita is probably the
name given to the stanzas spoken by the Buddha to the elephant on that
occasion (Mā kuñjara, nāgam āsado, etc.). See J.v.336.
- Dhanapālaka.-A householder of Dhanañjaya, who was converted by Sikhī
Buddha. BuA.202.
- Dhanapālī = Schatzhüterin. Ein Sklaven Mädchen, die, trotz ihres
Namens, von ihren Besitzern schlecht behandelt wurde, gegeben als Beispiel für
die Unwichtigkeit des Namens.
- Dhanapitthi.-A locality in Ceylon. In der Zeit von Aggabodhi IV. its
chief was Datta. He erected there a vihāra called by his name. Cv.xlvi.41, 43.
- Dhanavatī. -A brahmin lady, Mutter of Kassapa Buddha. Her husband
was Brahmadatta. D.ii.7; J.i.43; Bu.xxv.34; SNA.i.280.
- Dhanika.-See Dhaniya.
- Dhanittha.-A König of thirteen kappas ago, a previous birth of
Santhita. Ap.i.210.
- Dhanitthaka.-An example of a low family name. Vin.iv.6, 13.
- Dhaniya (Dhaniyagopāla) Sutta.-Records the conversation between the
herdsman Dhaniya (q.v.) und the Buddha. SN.vv.18ff.
- Dhaniya,-Dhanika
- Dhañña Sutta.-Few are they who refrain from accepting uncooked
grain, many those who do not. S.v.471.
- Dhaññavatī
- Dhanuggaha Sutta
- Dhanuggaha.-See Culla-Dhanuggaha.
- Dhanuggaha-Tissa
- Dhanumandala.-A locality in the hill-district of Ceylon. In the time
of Gajabāhu its chief was Otturāmallaka (Cv.lxx.17). It was subdued for
Parakkamabāhu I. by the Adhikārin Mañju. Cv.lxxiv.166.
- Dhanusekha (Dhanusekhavā)
- Dhanuvillaka.-A locality in the Malaya district of Ceylon.
- Dharana.-See Varana.
- Dharanī.-A lake in Kuvera's city. D.iii.201.
- Dhāranīghara.-A building in Pulatthipura erected by Parakkamabāhu I.
for the recital of incantations by brahmins. Cv.lxxiii.71.
- Dharanipati.-v.l. for Dharanīruha (below).
- Dharanīruha.-A König of eleven kappas ago, a former birth of
Tinasūlaka. Ap.i.179.
- Dhātā.-A deva who was born in the deva-world because of his gifts to
- Dhatarattha
- Dhātaratthā.-A tribe of Nāgas, followers of
- Dhātu Sutta
- Dhātubhājaniyakathā.-The last chapter of the Buddhavamsa. It
contains details of the distribution of the relics of Gotama Buddha
(Bu.xxviii). The Commentary makes no comments on this.
- Dhātukathā
- Dhātukathāyojanā.-A Pāli work by Sāradassī of Pagana. Bode: op.
cit., 67.
- Dhātumañjūsā.-See Kaccāyanadhātumañjūsa ??.
- Dhātupūjaka
- Dhātusamyutta.-The fourteenth division of the Samyutta Nikāya.
- Dhātusena
- Dhātusenapabbata.-A vihāra built by Mahāsena und restored by
Dhātusena, in the west of Ceylon. Mhv.xxxvii.42; Cv.xxxviii.47.
- Dhātuvamsa.-See
- Dhātuvibhanga Sutta
- Dhavajālikā.-A vihāra on Sankheyyaka-pabbata in Mahisavatthu. A
monk, named Uttara, once lived there und was visited by Sakka (A.iv.162ff).
The vihāra was so named because it was surrounded by a dhava-forest.
- Dhavalā.-A channel flowing eastward from the Aciravatī, a canal of
the Mahāvālukanadī. Cv.lxxix.53.
- Dhavalavitthika.-A village in Ceylon in which was a tank, repaired
by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.47.
- Dhīrā
- Dhītā Sutta
- Dhītaro Sutta
- Dhonasākha Jātaka (Nr.353)
- Dhotaka
- Dhotodana.-Son of
Sīhahanu und brother of
Suddhodana (Mhv.ii.20; SNA.ii.357). In the Tibetan books (Rockhill: p.13)
he is called Dhonodana, und is said to have been the father of
Mahānāma und
- Dhovana Sutta
- Dhūmakāri Jātaka (Nr.413)
- Dhūmakāri. Ein brahmanischer Ziegenhirte. Seine Geschichte wird im
Dhūmakāri Jātaka
erzählt. Er wird identifiziert mit Pasenadi, König von Kosala. Cp.
- Dhūmaketu.-Thirteen kappas ago there were eight kings of this name,
all previous births of Tivantipupphiya. Ap.i.196.
- Dhūmarakkha
- Dhūmaroruva.-A Niraya. The eyes of beings born there are put out
mit fierce smoke. SNA.ii.480; J.v.271.
- Dhūmasikha.-Mentioned mit Apalāla, Cūlodara, Mahodara, Aggisikha
und Dhanapāla, as a beast tamed by the Buddha und converted to the faith.
- Dhūpadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-four kappas ago he burnt
incense in the cell of Siddhattha Buddha. Ap.i.78.
- Dhuva Sutta.-The Buddha teaches stability und the path leading
thereto. S.iv.370.